First I want to say that I am very happy with the OpenOCD-software! I 
like it very much.

I have a Chameleon POD from Amontec. This dongle can be programmed to 
act as a Wiggler-cable, but also as a JTAG Accelerator interface.
I use it in combination with an ARM processor and a FPGA. Both are 
supplied by Propox.

When I use the Wiggler JTAG interface, I get the following information:
    Info : JTAG tap: at91sam9260.cpu tap/device found: 0x0792603f 
(Manufacturer: 0x01f, Part: 0x7926, Version: 0x0)
When I use the Amontec JTAG Accelerator Interface, I get the following 
    Info : JTAG tap: at91sam9260.cpu tap/device found: 0x03c9301f 
(Manufacturer: 0x00f, Part: 0x3c93, Version: 0x0)
It looks like the whole word is shifted 1 bit. I think the Wiggler 
interface is correct.

I also tried my FPGA module and got the following ID's:
                    Manuf.  Chip        wiggler     amtjtagaccel
    Processor:      Atmel   AT91SAM9260 0x0792603f  0x03c9301f
    Platform Flash: Xilinx  XCF01S      0xF5044093  0x7A822049
    FPGA:           Xilinx  XC3S200     0x01414093  0x80A0A049

The ID of the FPGA is not only shifted 1 bit to the right, but is also 
OR-ed with 0x80000000
The wiggler ID is correct

Can you correct this?

Kind regards,

Ferdinand Postema
(The Netherlands)
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