On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:24 AM, David Brownell<davi...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> On Sunday 28 June 2009, Ųyvind Harboe wrote:
>> How about if the target added new commands, such as
>> "configure FPGA". This would then be distinct from resetting
>> the CPU,  but it could still be placed into the .gdbinit sequence.
> Target?  What target?

I meant that the target configuration script added a tcl command
that would be available to the .gdbinit sequence(or from Telnet for
that matter).

I would like OpenOCD support for Altera Nios because ByteBlaster
performance sucks.

Another thing I'd like to see is the FPGA configure tool built more
naturally into the development cycle.

> We shouldn't require *debug* support ("targets" list non-empty)
> in order to use OpenOCD.

Agreed, I just explained badly in my last email and I'm not advocating
making GDB support required in any way.

Øyvind Harboe
Embedded software and hardware consulting services
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