So - if we are to turn reset "inside-out" - what commands do we need?

1)   ablity to control SRST & TRST externally.

    jtag interface assert     SIGNALNAME
    jtag interface deassert  SIGNALNAME

2)   Ablity to know SRST & TRST configuration.

    set foo [jtag interface cget   -trst-srst-config ]

What is that list? Should this have some numeric  (bit wise) value?

3)  Do we want a "macro" player at that point - ie: something we can do 
as a macro like thing?

    Do we really want to code 'reset halt' for an ARM7 in tcl?
    Or do we just want to say perform complex operation X, on tap Y *now*.

What are those "complex operations"?
    By target....

That list is a non-trivial list of things.


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