David Brownell wrote:
> On Friday 26 June 2009, Harald Kipp wrote:
>> The intention of GPL is to explicitly give users the
>> freedom to use GPL software in any way they see fit.
> Assuming "use" doesn't include depriving others of such
> freedoms ... that's just *ONE* of its intentions
> Another is to be able to *keep doing* that even in the
> face of, say, a manufacturer changing support policies
> when an OS upgrade or new model happens.

IMHO, freedom of use doesn't mean freedom for a limited time period.
Anyway, I agree without reservation.

> And that's why GPL restricts distribution of GPL 
> software with non-Free libraries.  If it didn't,
> then the users relying on the non-Free code would
> not have the full set of Freedoms intended by GPL.

There has been no intention to distribute GPL code with non-free
libraries. At least not in this thread or by any of my postings.

I'd further suggest to add a note to OpenOCD, telling the user that
using non-free libraries like FTD2XX may be risky and may cut free usage.


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