On Monday 22 June 2009, Harald Kipp wrote:

> We either need a written GPL exception explicitly granted by all
> contributors

As I pointed out when I raised the issue.  In fact I even
went and provided a list of 50 developers who would need to
be agreeing to add such an exception.

> or a clear statement of at least one of them, that they 
> don't want this simply because they are in the position to say so.
> Without "I wouldn't have contributed if...".

I believe there *have* been such statements, several times.

The "I wouldn't have contributed..." is simply pointing
out that they *looked* at the license before contributing.
It's an attempt to forestall the annoying claims by some
folk that the license already had some kind of exception.

> P.S.: This discussion about free software reminds me of
> Brian: "Excuse me. Are you the Judean People's Front?"
> Reg: "Fuck off! We're the People's Front of Judea."

Reminds me more of a two-year old arguing.  You will notice
that *NOBODY* who promotes the idea of adding an "exception"
has actually bellied up to the bar and started to do the
legwork to get developers to agree to such a licence change.

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