Zach Welch wrote:
> Actually, I see no reason that it cannot be GPL too.  It's "only" a
> build tool; it will not be linking to either OpenOCD or FTD2XX, right?
> The full GPL would prevent others from creating proprietary versions of
> your tool, which may or may not be what you desire personally; however,
> your license does not impact the licenses of what the tool builds.  This
> is why the "build kit loophole" works: they are totally separate works.
> Otherwise, a GPL package manager could only build/install GPL packages!
> Of course, a tool that includes _necessary_ build scripts or components
> for building OpenOCD would be forced to be GPL (see the license), but
> that is not what we are talking about.  Developers have everything they
> need to compile everything by hand; you are adding a high-level helper
> script that ties it all together for users, so it is not "necessary".
> I hope that others will step forward and correct me if I am wrong on the
> details, but I hope this generally helps clarify these particular
> licensing details.  Either way, I would consider adding it to the
> repository in the tools/ directory, if that turns out to be a reasonable
> plan of action for all.  What do you think about that?

I'm not an OpenOCD user under Windows but a tool like this is not
hard to implement so I'm willing to integrate further suggestions
from Windows users. When this is a complete solution, I guess it
will help to include this in tools dir.


> Cheers,
> Zach

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