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On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Anders Montonen<> wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2009, at 6:15, Xiaofan Chen wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 4:02 AM, David Brownell<>
>> wrote:
>>>  * The thread about a "Universal" INF file seemed much more
>>>  productive.  Sure, more adapters need to be covered, and
>>>  the library binaries that get bundled into the MSI file
>>>  will need to be the right versions (libusb, libftdi).
>>>  * Even the thread about getting good Win32 build instructions
>>>  was more productive.
>> So here is the summary.
> (snip)
>> 3) Long term solution: just several possibilities. Some of them may
>> be more difficult than the others.
> As I see it, porting libusb-1.0 to the Windows UMDF and then porting libftdi
> and OpenOCD to libusb-1.0 would solve the GPL, Win64 and latency-related
> issues. I'm not familiar enough with either UMDF or libusb to estimate how
> difficult that would be, but I would suggest anyone with an interest in the
> Windows port of OpenOCD to look into that and help out where possible.

libusb-win32's development branch (libusb1) has the WinUSB backend. It
is not working yet. It is also not API compatible with libusb 1.0. That
is an unfortunate situation.

> As an aside, has anyone had the opportunity to try OpenOCD with an
> FT2232H-based dongle? I believe high-speed USB should almost eliminate
> latency effects due to going from 1 ms-based frames to 125 us-based
> microframes.

Not sure here. The blocking I/O will render the benefits of high speed
USB much less effective.

David Brownell is the real USB expert in the list. He may answer better,
at least on the Linux side since he is one of the leading Linux usb

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