On Apr 22, 2009, at 10:52 AM, Øyvind Harboe wrote:

One annoying problem is that all target hardware is
not available to all OpenOCD developers.

For development purposes, this could perhaps be
addressed by creating a JTAG over TCP/IP protocol.

The idea is that OpenOCD adds a TCP/IP server
that accepts JTAG commands.

Those with target hardware can then make this hardware
available over the internet.

On the other end an OpenOCD developer uses the
new "tcipip interface" to connect to the target hardware.

This will of course be dog slow, but it hopefully will beat
not having the hardware available....

There is a non-trivial amount of programming that needs
to be done, but I believe setting up and maintaining the
test farm would be a bigger problem. Zylin is interested
in stepping up here and offering the physical space
/ servers required.

I'd expect to make these targets avaiable via SSH & port
forwarding to OpenOCD developers...


-- Øyvind Harboe
Embedded software and hardware consulting services
Openocd-development mailing list

This is an interesting idea, but I think it skips an important step. There seem to be a number of problems solely within the JTAG and interface layers. It would be great if someone constructed some infrastructure for a regression suite that looked at just those layers. That way we could verify those layers are functioning properly across the board and do so in a way where people with the correct equipment could quickly run the test periodically.

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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