
What is the correct process for adding a new item to the Language files

I have been informed that "If you add a new label we have a common
(undocumentated) rule: We add this label to all language files. You can
fill up other language files the english one. However all language files
should contain the same number of labels and not only a subset."

What is it that I should add to all the other language files?  The same
English item, and then hope those with knowledge of the other languages
modify for the languages that they are proficient in?  Is there a way to
ask others to check and update any languages that they are proficient
in?  Maybe there are other practices that I would be good for me to
follow, if so, please let me know.

I noticed that the Japanese file has 
  <string id="262" name="salutation_miss">


George Kirkham

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