Hi George,

It sounds like you've worked on the command-line under linux after
having done a SVN checkout.
If this is the case, then issuing a diff patch is straightforward:
simply issue the following command at the root of your source directory:
svn diff > MyPatch.diff

Then MyPatch.diff will contain the differences between the modified
files (your local copy) and the ones from the reference repository.

Le 05/05/2012 13:23, George Kirkham a e'crit :
> Sebastian your request "I asked him if he is able to create a regular
> patch / SVN diff.
> Creating a patch / SVN in eclipse: Right click on the project => Team
> => Create Patch => save to file
> (You need Subclipse or Subversive installed)", may be a bit beyond my
> expertise at this stage (but certainly willing to learn, but it may
> take time, so I would appreciate it if someone could take up the task
> this time).
> I actually used the linux "find" command, searching for
> "swftools_path" to find the areas that needed changing, taking a guess
> that it would be OK to change these files, and then used a text editor
> to make the changes, compiling them with "ant", thanks to Stephen's
> assistance in providing instructions on how to get ant to work.
> Eclipse is not (yet) installed to my PC and I am not at this time
> familiar with using the application.  Given time I could learn, but at
> this stage I would like to assist with making a few
> suggestions/requests for changes, that is about as far as my time can
> permit just now.  Having worked with GUI interfaces with Visual Basic
> a number of years ago, I have experience with designing easy to use
> interfaces.  I hope you don't mind, but I want to make a few requests.
> I am hoping people may accept my requests and implement them if they
> are simple to implement, and when they will take more time, then
> please still review their usefulness.

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