On Wed, 8 Jan 2025 22:08:38 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I think this concern is out of proportion. Generally, nodes will not have 
>> such a huge number of children that simply flipping a few pseudo-classes 
>> will be prohibitively expensive. CSS recalculation will, in most cases, only 
>> happen once per pulse anyway.
>> I don't know why we would be optimizing for pathological applications that 
>> register two pseudo-class listeners for each of their tens of thousands of 
>> children in a container, _and_ do heavy work in those listeners.
> Perhaps it is not as dire, but it may be worth a short check how this works 
> with say 1000 nodes with and without this new code (no need to register 
> listeners, I agree that that is a different problem, I was more worried about 
> how CSS handles this many changes).  Perhaps also a case where there is also 
> some style change going on linked to the odd or even pseudo class (although 
> if that is much slower, then I guess that's what the user wanted...)

A thousand of nodes scenario is possible and I think it needs to be tested, 
just to estimate the impact.  For example, a rich text type of control: 
TextFlow with a thousand small Text instances all styled differently (or tied 
to odd/even pseudo class).

Although I am struggling to see the use case for such an arrangement.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1652#discussion_r1907928338

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