On Mon, 9 Sep 2024 19:36:29 GMT, Andy Goryachev <ango...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Further additions to the MonkeyTester application:
> - tree/table view column property sheets ✔
> - new pages: button, checkbox, hyperlink, menu bar, radio button, toggle 
> button, canvas, split menu button, dnd ✔
> - properties... context menu ✔
> - context menu: table columns, toolbar items ✔
> - control.context menu option
> - property monitor tool ✔
> - accessibility logging ✔
> - editable combobox for double values with pre-set list (e.g. Region: min/max 
> width etc.)
> - Page -> Snapped Split Panes menu option for the control container
> This PR simply syncs up with the dev repository
> https://github.com/andy-goryachev-oracle/MonkeyTest

I did an initial test run, and will do more later. One quick thing I noticed is 
that it looks like the prefs file consumed by the version of `MonkeyTester` in 
this PR is not compatible with prefs file produced by the version in 

Since saving and loading prefs is enabled by default, this causes some 
interesting behavior when switching between an older and newer `MonkeyTester`.

Try the following:

1. Remove `$HOME/.MonkeyTester`
2. Launch the current `MonkeyTester` from `jfx:master`
3. Navigate to a few demos, such as `AreaChart`, `BarChart`, `ChoiceBox`, etc.
4. Quit
5. Launch the `MonkeyTester` from this PR

BUG: the background of the demos previously navigated to is now a linear 
gradient. If you remove `$HOME/.MonkeyTester` between steps 4 and 5, the bug 
doesn't appear.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1560#issuecomment-2339117261

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