On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Milan Jurik <milan.ju...@xylab.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
> On st, 2013-01-02 at 13:35 +0100, Jim Klimov wrote:
>> On 2013-01-02 08:26, Jean-Pierre wrote:
>> > Up to date ntfs-3g and FUSE for OpenIndiana are available, with
>> > directions for installing on :
>> > http://jp-andre.pagesperso-orange.fr/openindiana-ntfs-3g.html
>> >
>> > The same fuse kernel module has also been made available on
>> > SFE, but ntfs-3g is still an old one there.
> yes, I am sorry, I spend my spare time on JDS/Gnome for now (nearly
> completed task). I will look at it later this month if nobody else.
>> I wonder what should the policy be about near-kernel support of
>> foreign filesystems - shouldn't these (and FUSE) go to illumos-gate?
>> For example, the (native) support of pcfs, hsfs and several others
>> is maintained there...
>> This way, all illumos-based distros would have comparable feature
>> sets in terms of this basic FS interoperability support.
>> Or is the main gate's current policy to only maintain the projects
>> with no external upstream (*BSD etc.)? Then the FSes might go into
>> common oi-build/illumos-userland/name-du-jour (BTW, which one - if
>> any - is the active project for non-kernel common illumos software?)
> It would require to have somebody pushing it to Illumos, with at least 2
> reviewers. My current experience is not very good in pushing larger
> things there, ext2fs did not find any reviewer for a year, WPA
> enterprise implementation with WiFi improvements and clean ups are also
> waiting.
> In case of FUSE I am not even trying because at least one highly
> respected RTI advocate was strong opponent of this FUSE implementation
> even during his SUN carreer.
> Best regards,
> Milan

I hope you're not referring to me above.
I'd like to see these move ahead,
but have not had time to review...

Gordon Ross <g...@nexenta.com>
Nexenta Systems, Inc.  www.nexenta.com
Enterprise class storage for everyone

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