ken mays wrote:
Yes, I did the original work to migrate to fuse 2.8.5 but we went with
Jean-Pierre's approved fixes in SFE. I usually maintain the exFAT,
ext2fs/ext3fs, and NTFS support on OI for desktop/server reasons.
Milan did migrate the patches into SFE based on the original OpenSolaris fuse
Go to Tuxera or contact Jean-Pierre for best use cases.
Up to date ntfs-3g and FUSE for OpenIndiana are available, with
directions for installing on :
The same fuse kernel module has also been made available on
SFE, but ntfs-3g is still an old one there.
~ Ken Mays
From: Jim Klimov<>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Mount NTFS USB under OmniOS
On 2012-12-30 13:46, Fabio Rodrigues wrote:
Hi All,
Sorry for the "SPAM" to the other lists, but I'm just trying to find a
solution for this. I didn't want to compile a ntfs-3g module on my machine, because maybe
there's already something ready for it.
I believe this would be useful not only for NTFS USBs, but for any kind.
Well, for OpenIndiana there are FUSE and ntfs-3g packages, and they
do work on my laptop (a lot slower than native IO, and sometimes it
requires a directory to be read twice in MC to be visible, but it's
useable nonetheless). Instructions here:
I am not sure whether these packages can be directly installed on
OmniOS, or if you'd have to pull the sources and compile yourself...
While googling for an answer, I found a thread from beginning of the
year, about fixing some problems in FUSE. I am not sure if these are
now compiled and packaged in the repo...
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