> From: Jan Owoc [mailto:jso...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 12:21 PM
> I probably should have linked to this
> discussion in the bug report:
> https://www.illumos.org/issues/3072

Ahh, thank you for creating that.  :-)

> >     Now try launching Time Slider again.  Magically it works.  That is a 
> > bug, my
> friends.
> Thank you for your time. With free software projects, you can choose
> between paying money for support (I'm sure there are people on this
> list who, for a fee, could find and fix you bug), or contributing some
> time and getting a solution for free. If you want a solution faster,
> then I suggest trying what Jim suggested and posting the result:
> http://openindiana.org/pipermail/openindiana-discuss/2012-
> August/009016.html

I'm actually content with the present workaround.  But I think it should be 
written in the openindiana handbook.  

Oddly enough, I don' t mind signing up for a wiki.  So I expect to be doing 
that shortly...  Maybe I'll even have permissions to edit the thing.   ;-)

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