I think OpenIndiana is a mouthful and trerribly unsexy

How about something like "Super Nova"   (Sun blows up)

Or maybe "Black Hole"  (Sun collapses)

Just kidding!

Totally Agree with Brandon, but maybe we could point someone with Marketing
credentials to take this kind of decisions (not me of course!).

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Brandon Mercer

Along with the branding thing... The name isn't a large sticking point for
me at all, and I REALLY like the logos, website and presence that the PHB
would perceive when they went to investigate the project. Sure it's not
complete or matured but the project is new. I look forward to what that
bring. Make sure you allow as many lies and misperceptions as every other
"enterprise" product so as not to be outdone! ;)

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Alasdair Lumsden<alasdai...@gmail.com
On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Gabriel de la Cruz
<gabriel.delac...@gmail.com>  wrote:

So, your question is a good one... is that name enough to "compete"

I would have no issue recommending "OpenIndiana" in a board room to a
bunch of pointy-haired-bosses* - it sounds way more corporate than
Ubuntu, FreeBSD or CentOS, which I personally think sound "cheap".
When someone first suggested CentOS to me as an alternative to RHEL, I
was like "What?!". But over the years CentOS has gained an excellent
reputation and I have no doubt that installations of it exceed those
of RHEL significantly.

Perhaps I'm biased as I essentially chose the name, but I don't see an
issue with it. The biggest grumbles seemed to come from oldschool
bearded UNIX types who haven't gotten over /usr/gnu/bin being put at
the front of their PATH and who view Ian Murdock as the harbinger of
doom and all things evil.

The fact is we live in a world where every decent dictionary word is
in use by somebody, somewhere. *.com, *.net and *.org are taken. Heck,
in the UK/Europe we have some large banks called Smile and Egg. :-)
Sometimes you have to make tough choices. Although OpenIndiana is not
as sexy a name as "Solaris", the fact is, it was available and seemed
a pretty good choice.

If your bosses genuinely make business decisions based on trivialities
such as what something is called, then you probably have bigger
organisational issues than what OS your servers run :-P

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointy-haired_Boss

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