On Mon, 7 Jun 2021 at 19:18, Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I added the needed packages to the CentOS workers. The compiled binary
> prints "rc=0" on the three CentOS workers.
> can we now try linking and running it against SDK built nativesdk-glibc ?

Using the host libc won't show the issue, as it is old (2.28), isn't using
utimensat_time64 and goes straight to utimensat.

With nativesdk-glibc, it still succeeds:
utimensat_time64(3, NULL, [{tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=2} /*
1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000002+0000 */, {tv_sec=3, tv_nsec=4} /*
1970-01-01T00:00:03.000000004+0000 */], 0) = 0

So we'd need to look into why the kernel accepts this, but rejects the call
from cmake. Any easy way to trace this? Just to repeat the failing one:

[{tv_sec=1622966723, tv_nsec=6319439026193432576}, {tv_sec=1622966579,
tv_nsec=17840053692309438464}], 0) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)

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