
i have joined all sdf in one (join.sdf).

Now i want to search: babel join.sdf resultadawd.sdf 

But i became the following output: 

*** Open Babel Warning  in ReadMolecule
  WARNING: Problems reading a MDL file
Cannot read atom and bond count
Expected standard 6 character atom and bond count

0 molecules converted
1 warnings 9 audit log messages 

And the executing time is only about 1 second. I think this doesn't work. But 

I also couldn't create an fs from the join.sdf (babel join.sdf -ofs). There i 
became the following output:

*** Open Babel Warning  in ReadMolecule
  WARNING: Problems reading a MDL file
Cannot read atom and bond count
Expected standard 6 character atom and bond count

This will prepare an index of join.sdf and may take some time...
 It took 0 seconds
1 molecule converted
1 warnings 10 audit log messages

I have created join.sdf with: cat *.sdf > tmp.txt and then mv tmp.txt join.sdf

Am 05.12.2011 um 15:30 schrieb Noel O'Boyle:

> I don't know if Open Babel supports joining fs files, so joining the
> sdf may be your only choice. Chris?
> On 5 December 2011 15:20, Jochen Schreiber <joc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> One question: Sholud i join the fs Files or the sdf Files and create the fs 
>> File on the joined sdf Files?
>> What is better?
>> Am 05.12.2011 um 14:50 schrieb Noel O'Boyle:
>>> If I would you, I would join the sdf files, and then convert that to a
>>> single fs file.
>>> To join:
>>> cat *.sdf tmp.txt
>>> mv tmp.txt joined.sdf
>>> - Noel
>>> On 3 December 2011 11:53, Jochen Schreiber <joc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello to everybody,
>>>> first i want to say hello. My first post in this mailinglist.
>>>> I have a question. I have downloaded the full pubchem compound database 
>>>> and convert all the sdf files to fs Files.
>>>> Now i have 2138 fs-Files and i have a query.mol and i want to search the 
>>>> top 5 similarity molecules in all fs-Files. My usage:
>>>> sh: babel  Compound_000025001_000050000.fs results2.sdf -query.mol
>>>> Now i want to put in all fs-Files in this command. How does it work?
>>>> I found solutions for that problem in java but i need to do this over the 
>>>> commandline.
>>>> So i hope you could help me.
>>>> With best,
>>>> Jochen Schreiber
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