Hello to everybody,

first i want to say hello. My first post in this mailinglist.

I have a question. I have downloaded the full pubchem compound database and 
convert all the sdf files to fs Files.

Now i have 2138 fs-Files and i have a query.mol and i want to search the top 5 
similarity molecules in all fs-Files. My usage:

sh: babel  Compound_000025001_000050000.fs results2.sdf -query.mol

Now i want to put in all fs-Files in this command. How does it work? 

I found solutions for that problem in java but i need to do this over the 

So i hope you could help me.

With best,

Jochen Schreiber

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
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