On 08/09/2010 13:17, Douglas Houston wrote:
> Hi,
> According to this page:
> http://baoilleach.webfactional.com/site_media/ob-docs/Features/Fingerprints.html#fingerprints
> I can use the -s option with the name of a file, e.g.:
> babel mymols.sdf -sSubstructure.sdf mymols_filtered.sdf
> will write out all the compounds in mymols.sdf that contain the group
> in Substructure.sdf. However, what I'd like is the opposite, i.e. to
> write out everything that doesn't match. I tried using -v instead of
> -s but this didn't work.

I think the following will do what you want
babel mymols.sdf -s ~Substructure.sdf mymols_filtered.sdf
> It would also be nice if I could use a file that contained more than
> one entry, i.e. the file Substructure.sdf could define multiple
> fragments that I don't want  in my molecules, rather than having to
> run Babel on each one separately.

It would have to be decided whether the combination was AND or OR. 
What you want is NOT(frag1 OR frag2 OR...)
In the related --filter option there is an implicit AND between tests, 
but I think for both the -s filter and its inverse the OR behaviour is 
more intuitive.
> Would this be doable before the final release?

It may be, but I am about to go on holiday, so don't hold your breath.

Thanks for this suggestion. Other suggestions for useful features are 
very welcome.

You could look at the Sieve program, http://www.silicos.be/sieve.html 
which is an industrial-strength filtering program, now using OpenBabel.


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