On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Noel O'Boyle <baoille...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8 July 2010 08:08, Hans De Winter <hans.dewin...@silicos.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison
>>> <ge...@geoffhutchison.net> wrote:
>>>>> isomorph code (identity checking), so in the meanwhile we would have
>>>>> to specify a convention such as all molecules with the same title are
>>>>> the same.
>>>> I've been thinking about this for a while. The easiest detection is that:
>>>> a) The number of atoms is the same
>>>> b) The element list is the same (and in the same order)
>>> Another option is to keep track of canonical smiles. a & b don't
>>> guarantee the molecules are the same (especially binding). However,
>>> the symmetry classes encode a variety of properties (connectivity,
>>> element, aromaticity, formal charge, in ring, bond orders) and can be
>>> used for this purpose.
>> I agree that keeping track of the canonical smiles would be the most robust
>> way of doing it, and also easy to implement
>> if one imposes the requirement that different conformers of the same
>> molecule should be subsequent to each other in
>> the input file.
> Not to prolong this thread, but I think regular SMILES is more
> appropriate here. We want to keep the atoms in the input order.

Yes, since the atom order will be the same for conformers, a regular
smiles should also work...

>>> We actually have an implementation using a & b in avogadro. It's in
>>> the ReafFileThread in libavogadro/src/moleculefile.cpp
>>> (http://github.com/cryos/avogadro/blob/master/libavogadro/src/moleculefile.cpp).
>>> This implementation assumes you have a file with different molecules
>>> or all the same. It doesn't support N conformers of different
>>> molecules in the same file but this should not be hard to write. There
>>> is much extra code here though.
>>> My suggestion would be to add an option to OBConversion to enable
>>> conformer reading. When enabled, a Read call will read the same
>>> molecules until it finds a different molecule. The first molecule is
>>> kept and coordinates of the following conformers are added to it.
>> Right
>>>> I don't think I'd want it to be automatic, though. There has to be a
>>>> mechanism to "turn off" (or "turn on") the feature in case you want to
>>>> splice out a particular frame or conformer, much like we do with
>>>> multi-molecule files.
>>> Yes, usually when you need it the user will know. Or a program that
>>> uses it (e.g. obspectrophore) can always enable it.
>> Yes
>> Bye,
>> Hans

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