Hi Hans,

Currently it doesn't do that automatically. Nor is it possible to
specify an option to do it. However, I think this *could* be added,
right, Chris? The only problem is that we don't currently have
isomorph code (identity checking), so in the meanwhile we would have
to specify a convention such as all molecules with the same title are
the same.

- Noel

On 7 July 2010 15:58, Hans De Winter <hans.dewin...@silicos.com> wrote:
> Dear,
> Can the OBConversion class treat an input sd-file as a multi-
> conformational file and hence automatically generate molecules that
> contain more than set of coordinates?
> More specifically, when reading an sd-file, can the OBConversion class
> 'detect' whether subsequent molecules are identical in terms of their
> connectivity and atom type ordering, but different in terms of their
> coordinates (and therefore considered to be conformers of the same
> molecule). I know this is possible in the OEChem library of OpenEye,
> but from reading the documentation I can't figure it out for OB...
> Many thx,
> Hans
> www.silicos.com
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