Dear Okular Development Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to propose a feature that
could enhance the usability of Okular: the ability to split tabs
horizontally for side-by-side document comparison.

This functionality would be particularly beneficial for users who need to
compare two documents without opening multiple instances of Okular or
frequently switching between tabs. By allowing users to categorize their
views into a left section and a right section, the workflow would become
significantly more efficient.

Furthermore, it would be helpful to include a synchronization option that
keeps both documents aligned while scrolling or navigating, facilitating
easier comparisons.

Could you please let me know if there are any existing features in Okular
that provide similar functionality? If not, I would appreciate your
thoughts on whether this could be a valuable addition for users.

Thank you for considering this suggestion. I look forward to your feedback!


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