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[okular] [Bug 501525] New: Text opened and rendered one one screen gets blurry when moving to a screen with different scaling
[okular] [Bug 501370] Size of annotation notes added to a pdf can't be sized after text has been entered to them
Nate Graham
[okular] [Bug 501458] New: Can not open password protected PDF
[okular] [Bug 501445] New: Please add, if possible, the possibility to read electronic invoice (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD PDF)
Hendrik Lehmbruch
[okular] [Bug 501445] Please add, if possible, the possibility to read electronic invoice (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD PDF)
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 501445] Please add, if possible, the possibility to read electronic invoice (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD PDF)
Hendrik Lehmbruch
[okular] [Bug 501445] Please add, if possible, the possibility to read electronic invoice (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD PDF)
Nicolas Fella
[okular] [Bug 501374] New: permit switching pages through bookmarks in one PDF without asking for saving PDF with new annotations
Robert Riemann
[okular] [Bug 501359] New: When opening a new PDF file with Okular while an existing PDF file is being auto-reloaded, the existing file will be replaced
Huanyu Liu
[okular] [Bug 501356] New: Okular does not respect logical text order in PDF while selecting text
Ahmet Sait
[okular] [Bug 501356] Okular does not respect logical text order in PDF while selecting text
Ahmet Sait
[okular] [Bug 501356] Okular does not respect logical text order in PDF while selecting text
Ahmet Sait
[okular] [Bug 501356] Okular does not respect logical text order in PDF while selecting text
Ahmet Sait
[okular] [Bug 501154] New: Confusion with Page Numbers
[okular] [Bug 501154] Confusion with Page Numbers
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 501175] New: Digital signature stopped working after certificate update
[okular] [Bug 501175] Digital signature stopped working after certificate update
[okular] [Bug 501170] New: Editing pdf formt fields
[okular] [Bug 501170] Editing pdf formt fields
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 501048] New: Clicking an index entry in "Facing pages" mode navigates to the wrong page
[okular] [Bug 501048] Clicking an index entry in "Facing pages" mode navigates to the wrong page
[okular] [Bug 501048] Clicking an index entry in "Facing pages" mode navigates to the wrong page
[okular] [Bug 501047] New: Find in view mode "facing pages" scroll to incorrect places
[okular] [Bug 501047] Clicking an index entry in "Facing pages" view mode navigates to the wrong page
[okular] [Bug 501047] Clicking an index entry in "Facing pages" view mode navigates to the wrong page
[okular] [Bug 501039] New: Okular crashed when filling form fields
[okular] [Bug 501039] Okular crashed when filling form fields
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 501039] Okular crashed when filling form fields
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 501039] Okular crashed when filling form fields
[okular] [Bug 501039] Okular crashed when filling form fields
[okular] [Bug 501039] Okular crashed when filling form fields
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 501006] New: Text markup annotation not properly handled by pdftocairo
Dominik Kummer
[okular] [Bug 501006] Text markup annotation not properly handled by pdftocairo
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 501006] Text markup annotation not properly handled by pdftocairo
Dominik Kummer
[okular] [Bug 500965] New: Fails to save file on systemd.automount smb3 share
Paul Worrall
[okular] [Bug 500965] Fails to save file on systemd.automount smb3 share
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 500965] Fails to save file on systemd.automount smb3 share
Paul Worrall
[okular] [Bug 500929] New: Alt-key shortcut for file tabs: If filename contains "&", it is not displayed and makes the next character Alt-key shortcut instead
[okular] [Bug 465055] All PDFs are shown stretched in y-axis (or condensed in x-axis)
[okular] [Bug 465055] All PDFs are shown stretched in y-axis (or compressed in x-axis)
[okular] [Bug 500822] New: Printing an unscaled PDF shifts the contents
Matthias Urlichs
[okular] [Bug 500822] Printing an unscaled PDF shifts the contents
Matthias Urlichs
[okular] [Bug 500822] Printing an unscaled PDF shifts the contents
Matthias Urlichs
[okular] [Bug 500822] Printing an unscaled PDF shifts the contents
Matthias Urlichs
[okular] [Bug 500779] New: Double sided printing options unselectable
[okular] [Bug 500779] Double sided printing options unselectable
[okular] [Bug 500769] New: Very high memory usage and lockup of entire system
[okular] [Bug 500769] Very high memory usage and lockup of entire system
[okular] [Bug 500769] Very high memory usage and lockup of entire system
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 500769] Very high memory usage and lockup of entire system
[okular] [Bug 500769] Very high memory usage and lockup of entire system
[okular] [Bug 500769] Very high memory usage and lockup of entire system
[okular] [Bug 500769] Very high memory usage and lockup of entire system
[okular] [Bug 500729] New: Menu got totally disrupted by changing settings/configuration via menu
[okular] [Bug 500729] Menu got totally disrupted by changing settings/configuration via menu
[okular] [Bug 500729] Okular Menu got totally disrupted by changing settings/configuration via menu
[okular] [Bug 500729] Okular Menu got totally disrupted by changing settings/configuration via menu
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 500729] Okular Menu got totally disrupted by changing settings/configuration via menu
[okular] [Bug 500729] Okular Menu got totally disrupted by changing settings/configuration via menu
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 500724] New: Cached document render gets pixelated up when display resolution changes
[okular] [Bug 500724] Cached document render gets pixelated up when display resolution changes
[okular] [Bug 500724] Cached document render gets pixelated up when display resolution changes
[okular] [Bug 500416] New: Okular wrongly applies a custom User Id and User Code from a printer's default settings
Julius Wenzel
[okular] [Bug 500416] Okular wrongly applies a custom User Id and User Code from a printer's default settings
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 500416] Okular wrongly applies a custom User Id and User Code from a printer's default settings
Julius Wenzel
[okular] [Bug 500416] Okular wrongly applies a custom User Id and User Code from a printer's default settings
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 500416] Okular wrongly applies a custom User Id and User Code from a printer's default settings
Julius Wenzel
[okular] [Bug 500416] Okular wrongly applies a custom User Id and User Code from a printer's default settings
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 452260] Okular opens too many X clients So I cannot start any other applications
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 452260] Okular opens too many X clients So I cannot start any other applications
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 452227] Top of a capital umlaut is cut off in text comment
[okular] [Bug 452227] Top of a capital umlaut is cut off in text comment
[okular] [Bug 500279] New: Okular crashes when opening a particular form.
Jon Stumpf
[okular] [Bug 500279] Okular crashes when opening a particular form.
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 500262] New: bookmarks not refreshed automatically after save new bookmark
[okular] [Bug 500262] bookmarks not refreshed automatically after save new bookmark
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 339200] Feature request: Switch between files in folder (browse directory)
[okular] [Bug 339200] Feature request: Switch between files in folder (browse directory)
[okular] [Bug 339200] Feature request: Switch between files in folder (browse directory)
[okular] [Bug 500051] New: stack memory leak when right click page number input
[okular] [Bug 500051] stack memory leak when right click page number input
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 500051] stack memory leak when right click page number input
[okular] [Bug 500051] stack memory leak when right click page number input
[okular] [Bug 500051] stack memory leak when right click page number input
[okular] [Bug 500051] stack memory leak when right click page number input
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 500051] stack memory leak when right click page number input
[okular] [Bug 500051] stack memory leak when right click page number input
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 500051] stack memory leak when right click page number input
[okular] [Bug 415400] Okular stumbles while scrolling through a heavy epub
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 500020] New: Scroll bar restricted to the current page in some pdfs
Jens Lallensack
[okular] [Bug 500020] Scroll bar restricted to the current page in some pdfs
John Veness
[okular] [Bug 500020] Scroll bar restricted to the current page in some pdfs
Jens Lallensack
[okular] [Bug 500020] Scroll bar restricted to the current page in some pdfs
John Kizer
[okular] [Bug 499966] New: Background-color of search results
Enno Hillmer
[okular] [Bug 468004] WISH: Want the Recent documents list to be longer
[okular] [Bug 499758] New: An Image Cycling Form Doesn't Properly Replace Images
T. H. Wright
[okular] [Bug 499758] An Image Cycling Form Doesn't Properly Replace Images
T. H. Wright
[okular] [Bug 499758] An Image Cycling Form Doesn't Properly Replace Images
T. H. Wright
[okular] [Bug 434289] Printer settings - Force rasterization doesn't stay enabled
Don Curtis
[okular] [Bug 499746] New: Okular crashes when adding zero-size signature with background image
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 499746] Okular crashes when adding zero-size signature with background image
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 499746] Okular crashes when adding zero-size signature with background image
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 499746] Okular crashes when adding zero-size signature with background image
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 499746] Okular crashes when adding zero-size signature with background image
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 499746] Okular crashes when adding zero-size signature with background image
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 499746] Okular crashes when adding zero-size signature with background image
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 184399] copy and paste of hebrew text inverse the text flow of the selection
[okular] [Bug 499738] New: okuler version 25.03.70
[okular] [Bug 499721] New: I need function edit context of my pdf in Okular
[okular] [Bug 449516] Blurry text with X11 for certain zoom levels (and global scaling set to 125%.)
Thomas Bertels
[okular] [Bug 449516] Blurry text with X11 for certain zoom levels (and global scaling set to 125%.)
[okular] [Bug 499711] New: PDF: Gradients and Patterns in Stroke are Broken
[okular] [Bug 499711] PDF: Gradients and Patterns in Stroke are Broken
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 499711] PDF: Gradients and Patterns in Stroke are Broken
[okular] [Bug 499711] PDF: Gradients and Patterns in Stroke are Broken
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 499645] New: Okular hasn`t functions like in acrobat
[okular] [Bug 499645] Okular hasn`t functions like in acrobat
John Kizer
[okular] [Bug 499645] Okular hasn`t functions like in acrobat
[okular] [Bug 499645] Okular hasn`t functions like in acrobat
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 499645] Okular hasn`t functions like in acrobat
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 499645] Okular hasn`t functions like in acrobat
[okular] [Bug 499645] Okular hasn`t functions like in acrobat
[okular] [Bug 499645] Okular hasn`t functions like in acrobat
[okular] [Bug 499639] New: Low Quality rendering
Omri Rosen
[okular] [Bug 499639] Low Quality rendering
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 499639] Low Quality rendering
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 499639] Low Quality rendering
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 499602] New: Crash after saving a form filled out in a pdf
[okular] [Bug 499602] Crash after saving a form filled out in a pdf
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 499602] Crash after saving a form filled out in a pdf
[okular] [Bug 499602] Crash after saving a form filled out in a pdf
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 499602] Crash after saving a form filled out in a pdf
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 499602] Crash after saving a form filled out in a pdf
[okular] [Bug 499602] Crash after saving a form filled out in a pdf
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 499547] New: Unable to scroll when using auto fit after coming from a bigger zoom level
Davide Maria Giambirtone
[okular] [Bug 499547] Unable to scroll when using auto fit after coming from a bigger zoom level
Justin Zobel
[okular] [Bug 499547] Unable to scroll when using auto fit after coming from a bigger zoom level
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 499547] Unable to scroll when using auto fit after coming from a bigger zoom level
Davide Maria Giambirtone
[okular] [Bug 499547] Unable to scroll when using auto fit after coming from a bigger zoom level
Davide Maria Giambirtone
[okular] [Bug 499547] Unable to scroll when using auto fit after coming from a bigger zoom level
Davide Maria Giambirtone
[okular] [Bug 499547] Unable to scroll when using auto fit after coming from a bigger zoom level
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 499524] New: Okular is opening every image on the same folder than the pdf I'm trying to open
[okular] [Bug 499524] Okular is opening every image on the same folder than the pdf I'm trying to open
[okular] [Bug 499524] Okular is opening every image on the same folder than the pdf I'm trying to open
Nicolas Fella
[okular] [Bug 499497] New: Okular renders Markdown files wrongly. Code blocks are not always recognized.
Paul Sommer
[okular] [Bug 499497] Okular renders Markdown files wrongly. Code blocks are not always recognized.
John Kizer
[okular] [Bug 499471] New: File bloat and data leakage
[okular] [Bug 499471] File bloat and data leakage
[okular] [Bug 499471] File bloat and data leakage
[okular] [Bug 499471] File bloat and data leakage
Luigi Toscano
[okular] [Bug 499471] File bloat and data leakage
[okular] [Bug 499471] File bloat and data leakage
[okular] [Bug 499471] Form editing: File bloat and data leakage
[okular] [Bug 499471] Form editing: File bloat and data leakage
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 499471] Form editing: File bloat and data leakage
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 499471] Form editing: File bloat and data leakage
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 499458] New: Screen motion is laggy when scrolling really fast
[okular] [Bug 499419] New: Okular window loses focus after opening a password-protected file
Michal Kec
[okular] [Bug 499419] Okular window loses focus after opening a password-protected file
Justin Zobel
[okular] [Bug 499419] Okular window loses focus after opening a password-protected file
Michal Kec
[okular] [Bug 499376] New: "Typewriter" can't render Persian properly
[okular] [Bug 499249] New: Feature Request: Javascript: Add possiblity to copy values from list box
[okular] [Bug 499249] Feature Request: Javascript: Add possiblity to copy values from list box
[okular] [Bug 271728] Okular does not calculate in PDF forms
[okular] [Bug 271728] Okular does not calculate in PDF forms
[okular] [Bug 442849] PDF form option button choice does not display
Tristan Miller
[okular] [Bug 499158] New: Okular fails to find renewed certificate from NSS database
Tristan Miller
[okular] [Bug 499158] Okular fails to find renewed certificate from NSS database
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 499102] New: [Wishlist] Add feature to offset page numbers
Foxe Chen
[okular] [Bug 499102] [Wishlist] Add feature to offset page numbers
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 499066] New: Okular no longer allows you to change the text bounding box with typewriter tool text
[okular] [Bug 499066] Okular no longer allows you to change the text bounding box with typewriter tool text
[okular] [Bug 498954] New: Segmentation Fault while saving a form in a PDF
Jannik Atts
[okular] [Bug 498954] Segmentation Fault while saving a form in a PDF
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 498954] Segmentation Fault while saving a form in a PDF
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 498954] Segmentation Fault while saving a form in a PDF
Jannik Atts
[okular] [Bug 498954] Segmentation Fault while saving a form in a PDF
Jannik Atts
[okular] [Bug 498954] Segmentation Fault while saving a form in a PDF
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 498954] Segmentation Fault while saving a form in a PDF
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 498954] Segmentation Fault while saving a form in a PDF
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 498932] New: Okular crashes on attempting to type into a pdf form's field
[okular] [Bug 498932] Okular crashes on attempting to type into a pdf form's field
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 498932] Okular crashes on attempting to type into a pdf form's field
[okular] [Bug 498932] Okular crashes on attempting to type into a pdf form's field
Albert Astals Cid
[okular] [Bug 498932] Okular crashes on attempting to type into a pdf form's field
[okular] [Bug 498932] Okular crashes on attempting to type into a pdf form's field
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 498932] Okular crashes on attempting to type into a pdf form's field
Bug Janitor Service
[okular] [Bug 498929] New: Printing dimensions are inaccurate
Oliver Becker
[okular] [Bug 498929] Printing dimensions are inaccurate
John Kizer
[okular] [Bug 498929] Printing dimensions are inaccurate
Oliver Becker
[okular] [Bug 498929] Printing dimensions are inaccurate
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 498929] Printing dimensions are inaccurate
Oliver Becker
[okular] [Bug 498929] Printing dimensions are inaccurate
Oliver Becker
[okular] [Bug 498929] Printing dimensions are inaccurate
Oliver Sander
[okular] [Bug 498929] Printing dimensions are inaccurate
Sune Vuorela
[okular] [Bug 498921] New: DjVu annotation feature neglects to use DjVu’s native specs for annotation chunks
[okular] [Bug 498800] New: Show correct comb spacing during 'show forms' view
Thibault Molleman
[okular] [Bug 498800] Show correct comb spacing during 'show forms' view
Thibault Molleman
[okular] [Bug 498800] Show correct comb spacing during 'show forms' view
Thibault Molleman
[okular] [Bug 498800] Show correct comb spacing during 'show forms' view
Albert Astals Cid
Earlier messages