Phillip, please take a look at this spec which is a complete description of
everything to implement a profile of OAuth based on DNS handles:

I also have a blog post that talks about this architecture from an OAuth

This has been deployed for many years, though not at the scale of BlueSky.
There's a few commercial services that use it, there's plugins for
Wordpress and Drupal, and a bunch of home-grown implementations.

I've been breaking up the spec into smaller I-Ds, most recently presenting
this at the OAuth interim meeting earlier this month:

These are also what the BlueSky implementation is based on.


On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 12:03 PM Phillip Hallam-Baker <>

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 2:43 PM Warren Parad <> wrote:
>> The only thing lacking is a base of authentication service providers that
>>> are willing to give users control.
>> As someone who works for one of those "authentication service providers",
>> what exactly would we need to support that we don't already?
> I am writing a draft. The short answer is almost nothing. But not nothing.
> The longer answer is that we need to have:
> 1) A detailed explanation that puts ALL the information needed to
> implement against the profile in one place. I am working on an Internet
> draft to do exactly that.
> 2) A discussion of how to best present the scheme as something whose
> primary purpose is as an authentication provider rather than an account
> with one social media property that can also be used elsewhere.
> 3) A discussion of how to use the DNS handles to enable end-to-end secure
> messaging. If Bob is reading a comment by Alice under,
> that is the handle he is likely to want to use to message her.
> 4) A discussion about what else we might want a DNS handle provider to
> support. I have a prototype running that extends to supporting the IoT
> requirements raised in SETTLE.
> Right now, we have 'a' way to do this which is not necessarily the best
> way or the way that allows us to grow in all the ways we might want in the
> future.
> I have a history of being able to market protocols and get them into
> widespread use. I haven't always been successful but have more successes
> than failures and I think I know what it takes to make DNS Handles widely
> used, which businesses I need to approach, etc. etc.
> The reason I am raising this here now, is that before I go round to the
> DNS registrars (and their affiliates) and the VPN providers and such to say
> this is the thing to do, I want to make sure we have everything straight at
> a technical level so we are all on the same page.
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