On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 2:43 PM Warren Parad <wpa...@rhosys.ch> wrote:

> The only thing lacking is a base of authentication service providers that
>> are willing to give users control.
> As someone who works for one of those "authentication service providers",
> what exactly would we need to support that we don't already?

I am writing a draft. The short answer is almost nothing. But not nothing.

The longer answer is that we need to have:

1) A detailed explanation that puts ALL the information needed to implement
against the profile in one place. I am working on an Internet draft to do
exactly that.

2) A discussion of how to best present the scheme as something whose
primary purpose is as an authentication provider rather than an account
with one social media property that can also be used elsewhere.

3) A discussion of how to use the DNS handles to enable end-to-end secure
messaging. If Bob is reading a comment by Alice under @alice.example.com,
that is the handle he is likely to want to use to message her.

4) A discussion about what else we might want a DNS handle provider to
support. I have a prototype running that extends to supporting the IoT
requirements raised in SETTLE.

Right now, we have 'a' way to do this which is not necessarily the best way
or the way that allows us to grow in all the ways we might want in the

I have a history of being able to market protocols and get them into
widespread use. I haven't always been successful but have more successes
than failures and I think I know what it takes to make DNS Handles widely
used, which businesses I need to approach, etc. etc.

The reason I am raising this here now, is that before I go round to the DNS
registrars (and their affiliates) and the VPN providers and such to say
this is the thing to do, I want to make sure we have everything straight at
a technical level so we are all on the same page.
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