Hi Watson,

I thought it was a good suggestion and am looking forward to feedback from 

I didn't understand the part of the statement in the penultimate sentence which 
says, "but cannot work for Issuers".  I should probably understand what you 
meant without having to ask, but I don't.

Can you please elaborate what you meant about workarounds such as issuing 
multiple one-time-use credentials at once (if I understood that correctly) not 
working for issuers?


-----Original Message-----
From: Watson Ladd <watsonbl...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 5:51 PM
To: IETF oauth WG <oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Reminder: Alternative text for sd-jwt privacy 


Dear oauth wg,

Happy 2025! I hope everyone has had a nice set of holidays. As a reminder I put 
forward the following proposal for text to add to either privacy or security 
considerations of sd-jwt, but the timing was unfortunate, coming Christmas eve.
Comments on it welcome.

"SD-JWT conceals only the values that aren't revealed. It does not meet 
standard security notations for anonymous credentials. In particular Verifiers 
and Issuers can know when they have seen the same credential no matter what 
fields have been opened, even none of them.
This behavior may not accord with what users naively expect or are lead to 
expect from UX interactions and lead to them make choices they would not 
otherwise make. Workarounds such as issuing multiple credentials at once and 
using them only one time can help for keeping Verifiers from linking different 
showing, but cannot work for Issuers.
This issue applies to all selective disclosure based approaches, including 
mdoc. "


Astra mortemque praestare gradatim

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