On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 7:24 AM Neil Madden <neil.e.mad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 9 May 2024, at 00:06, Sam Goto <g...@google.com> wrote:
> [...]
>> I guess, flipping this around, we might ask what is the legitimate
>> purpose for which browsers need to access the user’s name, email address
>> (both requires) and other identifying information? I’d have thought an
>> identifier (possibly randomised) and some user-supplied account nickname
>> would be sufficient.
> That's easier to answer: the browser needs name/email/picture to construct an
> account chooser
> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iURrPakaHgBfQ6mAefKijjxToiTTgBSPz1rtaV0od98/edit#slide=id.p>,
> which is the UX that tested best with users by a far margin.
> Static/unpersonalized permission prompts - example
> <https://www.cookiestatus.com/images/content/storage-access-api.jpg> in
> Safari, example
> <https://developers.google.com/static/privacy-sandbox/assets/images/storage-access-api-permission-prompt.png>
> in Chrome - perform extremely poorly (in comparison to account choosers),
> although have other benefits too (namely ergonomics and extensibility), so
> Chrome (and others) expose that too in the form of the Storage Access API
> <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Storage_Access_API>.
> Yeah, that's what I suspected. Did you do research that specifically
> called out email addresses as a must-have?

Oh yeah, that's a known issue that we are actively working on: making email
optional, and, beyond that, selective disclosure (e.g. phone numbers rather
than email addresses, preferred language, etc).


We are actively working on this, with an origin trial coming out soon, so
stay tuned!

> PS - although this is an OAuth group, you may also want to look at things
> like Dropbox's Chooser/Saver widgets (
> https://www.dropbox.com/developers/chooser), which provide fine-grained
> permissions to access specific files/folders using a file dialog UX rather
> than a redirect-based flow. I appreciate that may not be your initial
> focus, but one for the "mood board" as it were...

We did look extensively into prior art, as far as UX constructions and
design of incentives go (largely with many people in this community,
thanks!), namely, Microsoft's Cardspace/Infocards
OIDF's accountchooser.org
<https://twitter.com/samuelgoto/status/1582172677531324416>, Mozilla's
Persona <https://twitter.com/samuelgoto/status/1580991527366467585>, Hello
<https://twitter.com/samuelgoto/status/1580320591080435712> and OpenID's
URL Identifiers
<https://twitter.com/samuelgoto/status/1745147272055390295> (for
the development of the IdP Registration API, UX here
<https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/issues/240#issuecomment-2065607797> for
comparison). I haven't gotten to this yet, but Why we failed
<https://twitter.com/justin__richer/status/1778681191693947078> is on my
reading list too.

I hadn't run into Dropbox's chooser UX, I'll add that to my list and report
back on what I learn.

> -- Neil
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