On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 9:07 AM Tom Jones <thomasclinganjo...@gmail.com>

> Has anyone considered what information the RP verifier should supply for
> FedCM to function well on the behalf of both the verifier and the user?

Can you expand on this a bit more? Selective disclosure came to mind to us
(e.g. an RP selectively asking for specific attributes), but maybe you have
something else in mind?

> thx ..Tom (mobile)
> On Thu, May 9, 2024, 8:06 AM Dick Hardt <dick.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The NASCAR problem is rooted in the RP does not know which provider(s)
>> the user has, so sites showed all the choices. FedCM only shows the
>> provider(s) the user has.
>> On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 5:33 AM Warren Parad <wparad=
>> 40rhosys...@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
>>> I think I'm still missing something, and I'm sure it was discussed
>>> somewhere and I just didn't see it. How will this help avoid the NASCAR
>>> problem, for sites when a user *signs up* or when the user *signs in on
>>> a new browser?*
>>> On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 1:07 AM Sam Goto <goto=
>>> 40google....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 3:50 PM Neil Madden <neil.e.mad...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 8 May 2024, at 22:01, Joseph Heenan <jos...@authlete.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 8 May 2024, at 21:43, Sam Goto <g...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 1:34 PM Joseph Heenan <jos...@authlete.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Neil
>>>>>> On 8 May 2024, at 18:45, Neil Madden <neil.e.mad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 8 May 2024, at 17:52, Sam Goto <g...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 7:23 AM Neil Madden <neil.e.mad...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> In particular, the call to the accounts endpoint assumes that the
>>>>>>> IdP is willing to provide PII about the user to the browser. That seems
>>>>>>> questionable.
>>>>>> Aside from a privacy/security threat model perspective (meaning, the
>>>>>> user agent already has visibility over every network request made 
>>>>>> available
>>>>>> to the content area)
>>>>>> Sure, but if I use the recommended auth code flow or encrypted ID
>>>>>> tokens, then PII is not exposed to the browser. And it’s not just the
>>>>>> browser itself in the current proposal, as the token is exposed to
>>>>>> javascript, of course, so the usual XSS risks.
>>>>>> Sam’s response here is fair, but also note that as far as I
>>>>>> understand it you can still use the authorization code flow or encrypted 
>>>>>> id
>>>>>> tokens with the FedCM API
>>>>> That's correct: the browser doesn't open the response from the IdP to
>>>>> the RP, so it can, for example, be encrypted.
>>>>> I was assuming that Neil was referring to the fact that the
>>>>> id_assertion_endpoint (which contains the user's IdP's PII accounts
>>>>> <https://fedidcg.github.io/FedCM/#dictdef-identityprovideraccount>)
>>>>> become, suddenly, transparent to the browser.
>>>>> Oh yes, that’s true - but (I think) the data from the
>>>>> id_assertion_endpoint at least isn’t exposed to javascript and isn’t
>>>>> vulnerable to XSS?
>>>>> That depends on whether the IdP correctly enforces the presence of the
>>>>> sec-fetch-dest header. If it doesn’t then yes, it would be vulnerable.
>>>>> Presumably it’s also vulnerable on older/niche browsers that don’t block
>>>>> sec-* headers: caniuse.com reckons > 8% of users globally are using
>>>>> browsers that don’t understand any sec-fetch-* headers. I’m not sure when
>>>>> sec-* was added to the forbidden list.
>>>>> I guess, flipping this around, we might ask what is the legitimate
>>>>> purpose for which browsers need to access the user’s name, email address
>>>>> (both requires) and other identifying information? I’d have thought an
>>>>> identifier (possibly randomised) and some user-supplied account nickname
>>>>> would be sufficient.
>>>> That's easier to answer: the browser needs name/email/picture to
>>>> construct an account chooser
>>>> <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iURrPakaHgBfQ6mAefKijjxToiTTgBSPz1rtaV0od98/edit#slide=id.p>,
>>>> which is the UX that tested best with users by a far margin.
>>>> Static/unpersonalized permission prompts - example
>>>> <https://www.cookiestatus.com/images/content/storage-access-api.jpg> in
>>>> Safari, example
>>>> <https://developers.google.com/static/privacy-sandbox/assets/images/storage-access-api-permission-prompt.png>
>>>> in Chrome - perform extremely poorly (in comparison to account choosers),
>>>> although have other benefits too (namely ergonomics and extensibility), so
>>>> Chrome (and others) expose that too in the form of the Storage Access
>>>> API
>>>> <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Storage_Access_API>.
>>>>> — Neil
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