Gotcha, thanks. I’d prefer without it, I don’t think the meaning is any more 
“special” than another container field would be. I like this kind of 
encapsulation, though.

And to be honest, I wish we’d done that structure with dynamic registration as 
well. A software statement runs into similar issues but we got lucky that there 
weren’t the same kind of conflicts that we see here.

 — Justin

> On Mar 4, 2020, at 11:49 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt <> 
> wrote:
> no particular reason, just indicating special meaning. I can live without it.
>> Am 04.03.2020 um 17:29 schrieb Justin Richer <>:
>> Why the leading underscore in the name? Why not just “token_data”?
>> — Justin
>>> On Mar 4, 2020, at 11:19 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all, 
>>> based on the recent feedback, Vladimir and I propose the following changes 
>>> to draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response: 
>>> - the token data are encapsulated in a container element “_token_data”
>>> - beyond this, the top-level container only contains meta data pertinent to 
>>> the JWT representing the signed (encrypted) introspection response
>>> - we need to add text to the spec to point out that replay detection must 
>>> be based on the jti in the “_token_data” container not the top level claim
>>> That’s example of how it would look like:
>>> {
>>> "iss":"";,
>>> "aud":"6a256bca-1e0b-4b0c-84fe-c9f78e0cb4a3",
>>> "iat":1532452100,
>>> "_token_data":{
>>>    "active":true,
>>>    "iss":"";,
>>>    "aud":"6a256bca-1e0b-4b0c-84fe-c9f78e0cb4a3",
>>>    "jti":"53304e8a-a81e-4bc7-95e3-3b298d283512",
>>>    "iat":1532452084,
>>>    "exp":1532453100,
>>>    "client_id":"3630BF72-E979-477A-A8FF-8A338F07C852",
>>>    "cnf":{
>>>       "x5t#S256":"YzEcNvUV3QXA5Bi9IB66b8psyqZBQgW4500ZGvNRdis"
>>>    },
>>>    "sub":"123456789087632345678"
>>> }
>>> }
>>> The response for inactive tokens would look like this:
>>> {
>>> "iss":"";,
>>> "aud":"6a256bca-1e0b-4b0c-84fe-c9f78e0cb4a3",
>>> "iat":1532452100,
>>> "_token_data":{
>>>    "active":false
>>> }
>>> }
>>> What do you think?
>>> best regards,
>>> Torsten. 
>>>>> On 4. Mar 2020, at 16:37, Justin Richer <> wrote:
>>>> +1, this encapsulation is much cleaner.
>>>>> On Mar 2, 2020, at 2:25 AM, Filip Skokan <> wrote:
>>>>> Perhaps we should consider leaving the root level JWT claims as-is per 
>>>>> JWT and push the introspection response unmodified as if it was regular 
>>>>> json response to a JWT claim called "introspection". Since regular 
>>>>> introspection uses the same claim names as JWT this would get around all 
>>>>> the conflicts.
>>>>> Last time i brought it up the authors didn't want to consider it because 
>>>>> of existing implementations.
>>>>> S pozdravem,
>>>>> Filip Skokan
>>>>> On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 07:52, Takahiko Kawasaki <> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you, Tatsuo Kudo, for showing me that Justin Richer expressed the 
>>>>> same concerns in this mailing list about 6 months ago (on Sep. 4, 2019). 
>>>>> RFC 8707 didn't exist then, though.
>>>>> Re: [OAUTH-WG] Question regarding 
>>>>> draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-05
>>>>> A JWT puts both (a) information about itself and (b) other data in its 
>>>>> payload part. When the "other data" have the same claim names as are used 
>>>>> to express information about the JWT itself, conflicts happen.
>>>>> Also, it should be noted that Ben pointed out in other thread that the 
>>>>> requirement for "jti" in draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response, 
>>>>> which says "jti" is a unique identifier for the access token that MUST be 
>>>>> stable for all introspection calls, contradicts the definition of "jti", 
>>>>> which should be unique for each JWT.
>>>>> Re: [OAUTH-WG] Benjamin Kaduk's Discuss on 
>>>>> draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-08: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
>>>>> draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response needs to be modified to solve 
>>>>> the conflicts.
>>>>> Taka
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 4:10 PM Takahiko Kawasaki <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm wondering if the following conflicts in "JWT Response for OAuth Token 
>>>>> Introspection" (draft 8) have already been pointed out.
>>>>> RFC 8707 (Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0) requires that 'aud' in an 
>>>>> introspection response hold the values of the 'resource' request 
>>>>> parameters, whereas "JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection" says 
>>>>> that 'aud' MUST identify the resource server receiving the token 
>>>>> introspection response. The definitions conflict.
>>>>> RFC 7662 (OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection) requires that 'iat' in an 
>>>>> introspection response indicate when the access/refresh token was issued, 
>>>>> whereas "JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection" says that 'iat' 
>>>>> indicates when the introspection response in JWT format was issued. The 
>>>>> definitions conflict.
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Takahiko Kawasaki
>>>>> Authlete, Inc.
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