Hi Taka, 

> On 1. Mar 2020, at 08:10, Takahiko Kawasaki <t...@authlete.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering if the following conflicts in "JWT Response for OAuth Token 
> Introspection" (draft 8) have already been pointed out.
> RFC 8707 (Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0) requires that 'aud' in an 
> introspection response hold the values of the 'resource' request parameters, 
> whereas "JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection" says that 'aud' MUST 
> identify the resource server receiving the token introspection response. The 
> definitions conflict.

RFC 8707 states 

The authorization server may use
   the exact "resource" value as the audience or it may map from that
   value to a more general URI or abstract identifier for the given

draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-08 states

The value of the "aud" claims MUST identify the resource server
   receiving the token introspection response.

So RFC 8707 gives choices of how the resource server might be identified and 
draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-08 says the AS must identify the RS 
without prescribing any particular way. So basically you can use the advice 
given by  RFC 8707 to implement the requirement stated by 

I don’t see a conflict. 

> RFC 7662 (OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection) requires that 'iat' in an 
> introspection response indicate when the access/refresh token was issued, 
> whereas "JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection" says that 'iat' 
> indicates when the introspection response in JWT format was issued. The 
> definitions conflict.

I will come back to this issue in an answer to Filip’s post.

best regards,

> Best Regards,
> Takahiko Kawasaki
> Authlete, Inc.
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