
I'm wondering if the following conflicts in "JWT Response for OAuth Token
Introspection" (draft 8
have already been pointed out.

RFC 8707 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8707> (Resource Indicators for
OAuth 2.0) requires that 'aud' in an introspection response hold the values
of the 'resource' request parameters, whereas "JWT Response for OAuth Token
Introspection" says that 'aud' MUST identify the resource server receiving
the token introspection response. The definitions conflict.

RFC 7662 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7662> (OAuth 2.0 Token
Introspection) requires that 'iat' in an introspection response indicate
when the access/refresh token was issued, whereas "JWT Response for OAuth
Token Introspection" says that 'iat' indicates when the introspection
response in JWT format was issued. The definitions conflict.

Best Regards,
Takahiko Kawasaki
Authlete, Inc.
OAuth mailing list

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