Hi all,

as I already said in the meeting: I would very much prefer to have an 
extension/update of RFC 6819 covering all "new" threats, including:
- mix up
- code injection aka copy and paste
- open redirector at AS and client
- potential other threats in the context of "dynamic" OAuth

I also assume mitigations for (at least some of) the threats need to go into an 
update of RFC 6749 as normative text. To give an example: if we agree on using 
the state parameter at the token endpoint to mitigate code injection, this MUST 
be part of the core spec (request description and security consoderations). 
Otherwise, noone will even  consider it.

We should also use the opportunity to improve/enhance the text of the spec. In 
the course of the last years, we have learned a lot about ambiquities of the 
text and how different implementations utilize OAuth. 

I think time is right to define scopes more precisely. As the discussions in 
the last days proved again (at least for me), scope is not sufficiently defined 
to come up with interoperable implementations. Additionally, there seems to be 
a need to represent resource server locations (to not say identities :-)) in 
this context.

To bundle all changes in a version 2.1 would also make communication into the 
market much easier. 

best regards,

> Am 06.04.2016 um 16:05 schrieb George Fletcher <gffle...@aol.com>:
> I'd definitely prefer a single solution document to many little ones that 
> have to be combined to actually build a secure solution. It's already getting 
> complex with the additional specs that have been added.
> Additionally, I'm not against working on OAuth 2.1.
> Thanks,
> George
>> On 4/6/16 2:06 PM, Phil Hunt (IDM) wrote:
>> Existing implementations are for the large part ok and do not need these 
>> mitigations.
>> Only the new use cases we have been discussing (configure on the fly and 
>> multi-as, etc) really need mitigation.
>> The updated by approach seems like a good way to address the new cases.
>> Phil
>>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 14:35, Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> today we discussed the OAuth Authorization Server Mixup draft. We were
>>> wondering what types of threats the document should find solutions for.
>>> We discussed various document handling approaches including
>>> * OAuth Mix-Up and Cut-and-Paste attacks documented in separate
>>> solution documents
>>> * combined solution document covering the OAuth Mix-Up and the
>>> Cut-and-Paste attacks.
>>> Barry pointed out that these documents could update the OAuth base
>>> specification.
>>> As a more radical change it was also suggested to revise RFC 6749 "OAuth
>>> 2.0 Authorization Framework" and RFC 6819 "OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and
>>> Security Considerations".
>>> Opening up the OAuth base specification obviously raises various other
>>> questions about cleaning up parts that go far beyond the AS mix-up and
>>> the cut-and-paste attacks. Other specifications, such as the Open
>>> Redirector, could be folded into such a new specification.
>>> Derek and I would appreciate your input on this topic before we make a
>>> decision since it has significant impact on our work.
>>> Ciao
>>> Hannes & Derek
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