Accepting draft-jones-oauth-amr-values-03 is almost okay as a starting point 
for work.
I would like to see significant changes though:

* The "amr_values" parameter should be dropped; it just encourages brittle 
designs as section 4 "relationship to acr" and section 6 "security 
considerations" already warn about. There is no need to enable that 
brittleness. If someone really wants this functionality they could put an amr 
value in the "acr_values" field as a hack.

* The model for amr_values is wrong as well. For example, "amr":["pwd","otp"] 
could be a common response that you want, but you cannot ask for that with 
amr_values since amr_values="pwd otp" actually means just "pwd", or just "otp" 
is okay (and just "pwd" is your preference).

* Registering values on a "Specification Required" basis is over-the-top. This 
doc registers 8 amr values with just a few words as each value's 
"specification" (eg "eye": retina scan biometric). Each of the other 7 amr 
values are "specified" in a few lines with a reference (or two). A "First Come 
First Served" basis is probably sufficient, with the "specification" just the 
description in the registry (that can include references).

James Manger

-----Original Message-----
From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Hannes Tschofenig
Sent: Tuesday, 19 January 2016 10:48 PM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Adoption: Authentication Method Reference Values

Hi all,

this is the call for adoption of Authentication Method Reference Values, see

Please let us know by Feb 2nd whether you accept / object to the adoption of 
this document as a starting point for work in the OAuth working group.

Note: The feedback during the Yokohama meeting was inconclusive, namely
9 for / zero against / 6 persons need more information.

You feedback will therefore be important to find out whether we should do this 
work in the OAuth working group.

Hannes & Derek

OAuth mailing list

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