For what it's worth, I was on the call too - until I and Brian left to join the 
telechat for the OAuth assertions drafts.

                                -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Hannes Tschofenig
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:55 AM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Notes from 2nd "OAuth & Authentication" Conference Call


 * Brian Campbell
 * John Bradley
 * Derek Atkins
 * Phil Hunt
 * William Kim
 * Josh Mandel
 * Hannes Tschofenig


Justin distributed a draft writeup and explained the reasoning behind it. The 
intended purpose is to put the write-up (after enough review) on See 
attachments. Justin solicited feedback from the conference call participants 
and from the working group.

One discussion item was specifically related to the concept of audience 
restrictions, which comes in two flavours: (a) restriction of the access token 
regarding the resource server and (b) restriction of the id token regarding the 
client. Obviously, it is necessary to have both of these audience restrictions 
in place and to actually check them.

The group then went into a discussion about the use of pseudonyms in 
authentication and the problems deployments ran into when they used pseudonyms 
together with a wide range of attributes that identified users nevertheless. 
Phil suggested to produce a write-up about this topic.

Finally, the group started a discussion about potential actions for the OAuth 
working groups. Two activities were mentioned, namely to produce an IETF draft 
of the write-up Justin has prepared as a "formal" response to the problems with 
authentication using OAuth and, as a second topic, potential re-chartering of 
the OAuth working group to work on some solutions in this area. Hannes 
suggested to postpone these discussions and to first finish the write-up Justin 
had distributed.

Hannes & Derek
OAuth mailing list

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