Are you saying that the OIDC filter/client can set session cookies in a domain 
that other web servers can use, so they don't have to have any direct knowledge 
of Connect.

I suspect that is a common practice in many SSO implementations.   It is true 
that not every web server needs to implement connect itself for SSO.

John B.
On Oct 17, 2014, at 11:57 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 17/10/14 15:09, Richer, Justin P. wrote:
>>>>> - should a few words be reserved for the client credentials flow - this 
>>>>> is of course not a mainstream OAuth2 nor its related to OIDC but it is 
>>>>> all about the authentication IMHO, the clients get their tokens by simply 
>>>>> getting authenticated, and as far as legacy (code) clients are concerned 
>>>>> they 'migrate' from sending the name/password to the resource endpoint on 
>>>>> every request ?
>>>> The client credentials flow has nothing to do with user authentication, 
>>>> which is why it's left out of OIDC. There might not even be a user in this 
>>>> flow (and it's generally assumed that there isn't).
>>> Yes, it is not part of OIDC but it is still the authentication of the 
>>> client that is effectively a resource owner, no human user is involved but 
>>> IMHO it's still very much the authentication. Exactly what the coded 
>>> clients do today in non OAuth2 client-server communications, except that in 
>>> this case the name/password is offered only once to AS.
>>> May be it was not what this flow was envisaged for originally but I do like 
>>> it for the reasons outlined above, specifically it can help the 
>>> legacy/traditional clients to 'join' the OAuth2 AS infrastructure
>> But it's not authentication of the *user*, which is the whole point. When 
>> the client authenticates on its own behalf, you have no idea who the user is 
>> or if they exist. It's irrelevant to the user authentication flow. If you're 
>> looking for pulling legacy clients in, the "password" flow is better for 
>> that, but OIDC didn't profile it because people really shouldn't be using 
>> the password flow except in very limited use cases in the first place.
> I did get that. See the notes are about "OAuth2 & Authentication", so I 
> thought it would not only be about the human user being authenticated via 
> OAuth2 has different flows with some of them requiring no human user being 
> around, and the client_credentials flow is all about authenticating the 
> client giving the token back for it to access its own resources, except that 
> not having to sent name/password every time.
> This client does not need to be aware of any users because effectively this 
> client is a 'user'.
> If "OAuth2 & Authentication" implies the human user is involved then may be 
> it would be clearer if the subject was reworded somehow...
> Either way, if you reckon the client-credentials are out of scope then I'm 
> fine with that, I guess keeping it focused on OIDC will help with the message
>>>>> - IMHO it would be useful to mention that OIDC RP can help non-OAuth2 
>>>>> servers, i.e one does not have to write an OAuth2 client web application 
>>>>> to get the benefits of the OIDC-driven authentication
>>>> I don't understand what you're saying here. In order to make an OIDC RP, 
>>>> you need to write an OAuth2 client. That's by design.
>>> OIDC RP is a client. But this RP doe snot have to be collocated with the 
>>> OAuth2 client which actually does some application specific work, right ?
>>> I.e OIDC RP facilitates the OAuth2-based authentication mechanism but the 
>>> server 'protected' by this RP which would work with the authenticated user 
>>> does not have to be OAuth2 client, do you agree ?
>>> If OIDC RP could only be used alongside OAuth2 clients then it would limit 
>>> its usefulness IMHO
>> But the OIDC RP *is* an OAuth Client, so I still don't get what you're 
>> saying. Sure you can have OAuth clients that *aren't* OIDC clients, but you 
>> can't have an OIDC client that isn't also an OAuth client because OIDC is 
>> built directly on top of OAuth.
> May be it is my language issues. I haven't suggested that OIDC can be 
> implemented without it being OAuth2 client.
> Consider this:
> OIDC RP filter <-> non OAuth2 server
> OIDC RP filter would do the OIDC thing (will act as OAuth2 client, return the 
> user to OIDC IDP, validate the response) and then set the security context 
> and let the user go to the non OAuth2 (client) server, with this server not 
> being even aware that the OIDC flow has happened.
> Am not making sense at all with the above ?
> Thanks, Sergey
>>  -- Justin
>>> Cheers, Sergey
>>>>  -- Justin
>>>>> Thanks, Sergey
>>>>> On 16/10/14 17:54, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
>>>>>> Participants:
>>>>>>  * Brian Campbell
>>>>>>  * John Bradley
>>>>>>  * Derek Atkins
>>>>>>  * Phil Hunt
>>>>>>  * William Kim
>>>>>>  * Josh Mandel
>>>>>>  * Hannes Tschofenig
>>>>>> Notes:
>>>>>> Justin distributed a draft writeup and explained the reasoning behind
>>>>>> it. The intended purpose is to put the write-up (after enough review) on
>>>>>> See attachments. Justin solicited feedback from the
>>>>>> conference call participants and from the working group.
>>>>>> One discussion item was specifically related to the concept of audience
>>>>>> restrictions, which comes in two flavours: (a) restriction of the access
>>>>>> token regarding the resource server and (b) restriction of the id token
>>>>>> regarding the client. Obviously, it is necessary to have both of these
>>>>>> audience restrictions in place and to actually check them.
>>>>>> The group then went into a discussion about the use of pseudonyms in
>>>>>> authentication and the problems deployments ran into when they used
>>>>>> pseudonyms together with a wide range of attributes that identified
>>>>>> users nevertheless. Phil suggested to produce a write-up about this 
>>>>>> topic.
>>>>>> Finally, the group started a discussion about potential actions for the
>>>>>> OAuth working groups. Two activities were mentioned, namely to produce
>>>>>> an IETF draft of the write-up Justin has prepared as a "formal" response
>>>>>> to the problems with authentication using OAuth and, as a second topic,
>>>>>> potential re-chartering of the OAuth working group to work on some
>>>>>> solutions in this area. Hannes suggested to postpone these discussions
>>>>>> and to first finish the write-up Justin had distributed.
>>>>>> Ciao
>>>>>> Hannes & Derek
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