This is actually one of the sticky bits that I've tried to address in the 
document itself -- I've seen apps that assume that if they're given an access 
token that can be used to fetch profile information then the user is actually 
there. This isn't actually a guarantee, but it's commonly true enough that 
developers get lazy and rely on it. 

 -- Justin

On Oct 20, 2014, at 2:42 PM, Hans Zandbelt <> wrote:

> or pointier: there are OAuth 2.0 deployments today that offer login semantics 
> because they have a REST/JSON user profile API that can be accessed using the 
> AT that was obtained in a code flow; should that be acknowledged in the doc?
> Hans.
> On 10/16/14, 11:23 PM, Hans Zandbelt wrote:
>> a deployment-related question that I have around this topic:
>> it seems that authentication using OAuth 2.0 is possible today for
>> confidential clients using the code flow, with a registered
>> redirect_uri, not consuming/storing/using refresh_tokens, and assuming
>> that there's an API that returns user identity info in JSON format and
>> the claim that uniquely identifies the user is known by the client.
>> The usage/presence of the short-lived code in this scenario/flow
>> guarantees that the user has just authenticated, and the audience issue
>> is covered by the fact that the code (thus the access_token in the token
>> endpoint response) are bound to the confidential client, all as per
>> standard OAuth 2.0 semantics.
>> 2 questions about that:
>> - is this right or am I overlooking some security/semantics issues here
>> - if right, would it make sense to acknowledge that or is that muddying
>> the waters even more (the current text does seem to only implicitly
>> acknowledge this)
>> There may be value in acknowledging this because the majority of OAuth
>> 2.0 OPs exposing a userinfo-like API would adhere to a REST GET+JSON
>> response anyhow [1] thus achieving login semantics with plain OAuth 2.0
>> and a bit of common practice wrt. the user info API.
>> Thanks for the excellent write-up!
>> Hans.
>> PS: I've been asked this concrete question about Spotify's OAuth 2.0
>> support and in fact I'm able to configure Spotify as an IDP to my OIDC
>> client with a minor workaround to abstain from expecting an id_token in
>> the token endpoint response, but calling the Spotify specific user info
>> endpoint like it was a standards-compliant OpenID Connect endpoint. (the
>> client has a per-OP configurable unique user id claim name anyhow).
>> On 10/16/14, 7:27 PM, Richer, Justin P. wrote:
>>> Ah yes, good catch! If only someone would put up a webpage describing
>>> the difference between authorization and authentication and why people
>>> need to stop confusing the two.
>>> Oh wait...
>>> On Oct 16, 2014, at 1:06 PM, Hans Zandbelt
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> About the write-up: at the end of the metaphor section it says:
>>>> "These recipes each add a number of items, such as a common profile
>>>> API, to OAuth to create an authorization protocol."
>>>> whereas I believe that should read "to create an authentication
>>>> protocol"
>>>> Hans.
>>>> On 10/16/14, 6:54 PM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
>>>>> Participants:
>>>>>  * Brian Campbell
>>>>>  * John Bradley
>>>>>  * Derek Atkins
>>>>>  * Phil Hunt
>>>>>  * William Kim
>>>>>  * Josh Mandel
>>>>>  * Hannes Tschofenig
>>>>> Notes:
>>>>> Justin distributed a draft writeup and explained the reasoning behind
>>>>> it. The intended purpose is to put the write-up (after enough
>>>>> review) on
>>>>> See attachments. Justin solicited feedback from the
>>>>> conference call participants and from the working group.
>>>>> One discussion item was specifically related to the concept of audience
>>>>> restrictions, which comes in two flavours: (a) restriction of the
>>>>> access
>>>>> token regarding the resource server and (b) restriction of the id token
>>>>> regarding the client. Obviously, it is necessary to have both of these
>>>>> audience restrictions in place and to actually check them.
>>>>> The group then went into a discussion about the use of pseudonyms in
>>>>> authentication and the problems deployments ran into when they used
>>>>> pseudonyms together with a wide range of attributes that identified
>>>>> users nevertheless. Phil suggested to produce a write-up about this
>>>>> topic.
>>>>> Finally, the group started a discussion about potential actions for the
>>>>> OAuth working groups. Two activities were mentioned, namely to produce
>>>>> an IETF draft of the write-up Justin has prepared as a "formal"
>>>>> response
>>>>> to the problems with authentication using OAuth and, as a second topic,
>>>>> potential re-chartering of the OAuth working group to work on some
>>>>> solutions in this area. Hannes suggested to postpone these discussions
>>>>> and to first finish the write-up Justin had distributed.
>>>>> Ciao
>>>>> Hannes & Derek
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> OAuth mailing list
>>>> --
>>>> Hans Zandbelt              | Sr. Technical Architect
>>>> | Ping Identity
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> OAuth mailing list
> -- 
> Hans Zandbelt              | Sr. Technical Architect
> | Ping Identity

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