This feels right to me.  Additionally, any client consuming multiple tokens 
(whcih would be new) shoudl be able to add something onto the token request 
indicating they are capable of such.  This means we never break existing 

From: Justin Richer <>
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] issuing multiple tokens

Incidentally, I'd like to clarify my position that the below or any
    other kind of multi-token formatting doesn't belong in the core

 -- Justin

On 6/17/2011 9:46 AM, Justin Richer wrote: 
I completely agree that the single-token case needs to be left alone, and I 
rather like this idea. The AS would return something like:
> access_token: [
>    { 
>      access_token: "1234656",
>      expires_in: 3600,
>      token_type: bearer
>    },
>    {
>      access_token: "abcdefg",
>      expires_in: 3600,
>      token_type: MAC,
>      mac_stuff: "goes_here"
>    }
>  ],
>  token_type: multiple
>This would not only let clients who are doing the common one-token
      flow ignore the "multiple" token type, it would also allow for
      re-use of token storage libraries for the inner token bits. And
      you could go crazy and pass a multiple token full of multiple
      tokens, too. It's turtles all the way down!
> -- Justin 
>On 6/16/2011 7:23 PM, William J. Mills wrote: 
>Probably defining a token type of "multiple_tokens" would be my preference, 
>and if you get that back then you have to parse an array of {type, token}*.  
>What that array looks like could be JSON in the payload, or something else.  
>That leaves the single token use case alone.
>>From: Eran Hammer-Lahav <>
>>To: Phil Hunt <>; "Manger, James H" 
>>Cc: OAuth WG <>
>>Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 10:46 PM
>>Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] issuing multiple tokens
>>It is not an important enough feature. Parsing an array
              response when 99.99% will be a single object array is
              annoying. Also, what would you return in case of error? A
              single object? What is the client supposed to do if it
              gets an empty array? Array with more than one token?
>>*This* would be the hack... If this is something people
              want to deploy, a full proposal end-to-end is required.
              And not now.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [] On Behalf
>>> Of Phil Hunt
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 10:40 PM
>>> To: Manger, James H
>>> Cc: OAuth WG
>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] issuing multiple tokens
>>> +1
>>> Phil
>>> @independentid
>>> On 2011-06-15, at 10:01 PM, Manger, James H wrote:
>>> > Torsten Lodderstedt needs to issue multiple
              tokens; Igor Faynberg said +1
>>> to that; John Bradley identified that OpenID Connect
              needs to request
>>> multiple tokens; Eran Hammer-Lahav even mentioned a
              no-token flow as
>>> something that could make sense; ...
>>> >
>>> > Issuing 0, 1 or more tokens looks like an
              important enough feature to fix
>>> now, instead of trying to hack it in after the spec
              is finalised.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Changing the access token response [5.1] to be a
              JSON array of JSON
>>> objects (one JSON object per issued token) seems like
              a simple way to get
>>> this important functionality -- with very limited
              overhead for services that will
>>> only ever issue a single token, and client written
              just for those services.
>>> >
>>> > P.S. Does Facebook return a JSON object for its
              access token response (as
>>> in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-12 that they reference), or
>>> as the example at
>>> implies [4th screen shot down]?
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > James Manger
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Eran said (on a different thread):
>>> >
>>> > ...if the client can authenticate with the
              authorization server. Why not just
>>> include the client identifier and user identifier and
              let the authorization
>>> server lookup what the user already authorized?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Igor Faynberg wrote:
>>> >
>>> > +1
>>> >
>>> > Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >>
>>> >> I also see the need to request and issue
              multiple tokens in a single
>>> >> authorization process. There has already
              been some discussion about
>>> >> this topic roughly a year ago:
>>> >> -
>>> >> -
>>> >>
>>> >> We at Deutsche Telekom have implemented an
              OAuth 2.0 extension
>>> >> supporting that use case. It's called "bulk
>>> >>
>>> >> Would that be an interessting topic we could
              discuss at IETF-81 for
>>> >> the re-chartering?  I could present our
              approach there.
>>> >>
>>> >> regards,
>>> >> Torsten.
>>> >
>>> >> Am 10.06.2011 21:08, schrieb John Bradley:
>>> >>> We have identified the need to request
              multiple tokens as one issue
>>> >>> that we would have to extend.
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>>> >
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