> I think there has been a confusion.  I also thought that the rechartering
> was to be discussed at the July meeting; the IETF call for rechartering was
> issued on May 31.

Right, and that call was not for discussion of rechartering, but for a
review of the specific proposed charter.

The charter that we discussed here was sent out for internal review on
31 May, and was approved by the IESG last Thursday -- that should be
officially announced any time now.  That charter, if you recall, was
very focused and included milestones for submitting OAuth 2.0, bearer
tokens, and MAC auth to the IESG in July and August, and discussion of
rechartering again, for further work, in October.

We won't be discussing rechartering in Québec, unless we've finished
those three documents already.  That seems unlikely.  But if we can do
it, tant mieux.

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