On 14/06/11 06:20, Barry Leiba wrote:
> The charter that we discussed here was sent out for internal review on
> 31 May, and was approved by the IESG last Thursday -- that should be
> officially announced any time now.  That charter, if you recall, was
> very focused and included milestones for submitting OAuth 2.0, bearer
> tokens, and MAC auth to the IESG in July and August, and discussion of
> rechartering again, for further work, in October.
> We won't be discussing rechartering in Québec, unless we've finished
> those three documents already.  That seems unlikely.  But if we can do
> it, tant mieux.

Right. I really hope to see documents for AD review or at least
being done or almost done WGLC before Quebec. Time is already very
tight for that to happen: if a 2 week WGLC started say in one week,
(June 21) then that would only leave 4 days from the end of WGLC
(July 5) until the I-D submission deadline (July 11) for Quebec.

In terms of extensions/rechartering, there are two ways to look at

1 - the AD is being a PITA about this
2 - the WG has existed since late 2008 and really needs to produce
    results before moving on, as was agreed between the WG, AD and
    the IESG very very recently (last Thursday), the relevant part of
    the new charter being "Milestones will be added for the later
    items *after* the near-term work has been completed."

I'm ok with folks believing either:-)

To be concrete, there's no point in discussing rechartering at
this stage, because, as AD, I'm just not going to push any new
charter to the IESG until the current milestones are sufficiently
advanced. (At present, I interpret that to mean entering IETF
LC, which is after WGLC and AD review.)

So: what Barry said - please concentrate on getting the current
work finished. (Not perfect, but with rough consensus in the WG.)

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