I don't understand the rationale for removing the client assertion credentials, 
as client password authentication is left in. Client Password Authentication is 
also underspecified as client_secret could be anything that the authentication 
server seems fit (raw clear text password,  hash, digest, etc.) and no way to 
determine the content. client_secret is also a very weak mechanism, since this 
is left in the core this leads me to believe that there is support for having 
client authentication in Oauth. I don't see how having client_assertion and 
client_assertion_type would be something that is underspecified as being a 
mechanism in which assertions can be used for authentication. Agree that the 
authentication server has to make right and declare what is being used but that 
is the same for client password authentication. The client authentication 
assertions are something that Microsoft and Google find useful and plan on 
implementing and using as a means for stronger authentication to the 
authorization server. This extensibility belongs in the core, there is no other 
place to put this functionality. I don't believe that the removal (either by 
editor or direction by co-chair) is something that should have been done w/o a 
consensus vote since this has been in the specification for some time without 
issue and the removal comes as complete unwelcome surprise. Getting almost 
total rewrites of the specification this late in the review cycle is also very 

A proposal for keeping the client authentication assertion would be to simplify 
to the following;

The client assertion credentials are used in cases where a password (clear-text 
shared symmetric secret) is unsuitable or does not provide sufficient security 
for client authentication. The client assertion credentials provide an 
extensible mechanism to use an assertion format supported by the authorization 
server for authentication of the client.

Using assertions requires the client to obtain an assertion (such as a SAML 
(Cantor, S., Kemp, J., Philpott, R., and E. Maler, “Assertions and Protocol for 
the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0,” March 2005.) 
[OASIS.saml‑core‑2.0‑os] assertion) from an assertion issuer or to self-issue 
an assertion. The assertion format, the process by which the assertion is 
obtained, and the method of validating the assertion are defined by the 
assertion issuer and the authorization server, and are beyond the scope of this 

When using a client assertion, the client includes the following parameters:
client_assertion_type - REQUIRED. The format of the assertion as defined by the 
authorization server. The value MUST be an absolute URI.
client_assertion - REQUIRED. The client assertion.

For example, the client sends the following access token request using a SAML 
2.0 assertion to authenticate itself (line breaks are for display purposes 

  POST /token HTTP/1.1

  Host: server.example.com

  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


  client_assertion=PHNhbWxwOl[...omitted for brevity...]ZT4%3D&


From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Eran 
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 10:45 PM
To: OAuth WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Removal: Client Assertion Credentials

I would like to suggest we drop the client assertion credentials (-11 section 
3.2) from the specification, and if needed, publish it as a separate 
specification for the following reasons:

1.       The mechanism is under specified, especially in its handling of the 
client_id identifier (when used to obtain end-user authorization). It does not 
contain any implementation details to accomplish any level of interoperability 
or functionality. This is in contrast to the assertion grant type which has 
matured over a year into a fully thought-out extension mechanism, as well as a 
separate SAML assertion specification with active deployment (the two, together 
with running code, show clear consensus).

2.       The section is a confused mix of security considerations sprinkled 
with normative language. Instead, it should be replaced with guidelines for 
extending the set of supported client credentials, but without defining a new 
registry. It is clearly an area of little deployment experience for OAuth, and 
that includes using HTTP Basic authentication for client authentication (more 
on that to come).

3.       The section has received a little support and a little objection. 
Those who still want to advocate for it need to show not only consensus for 
keeping it, but also active community support for deploying it. Deployment, of 
course, will also require showing progress on public specifications profiling 
the mechanism into a useful interoperable feature.

Comments? Counter-arguments?


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