What if strong authentication of client (between client and AM) happened OOB? 
Instead of passing a client_assertion, why not pass a client_token? In a sense 
we would be repeating the pattern for users and applying it to clients.  A 
client use its own client_token to obtain access tokens.

I can see this approach having an advantage when a client is a web service 
supporting multiple end-users.  It could re-use its own authentication tokens 
many times and wouldn't have to incur an expensive strong-authentication every 
time it handles an OAuth token request.

The only concern I see with this, is whether a bearer token would work. You'd 
want to strongly bind the client with the token. IMHO


On 2011-01-17, at 12:06 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

> One more reason to remove the half-baked text from the spec and reintroduce 
> it with a full specification elsewhere.
> From: Francisco Corella [mailto:fcore...@pomcor.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 11:31 PM
> To: Eran Hammer-Lahav; David Recordon
> Cc: OAuth WG
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Removal: Client Assertion Credentials
> I wanted to point out that an assertion by itself cannot
> authenticate the client, contrary to what the draft seems to
> imply.
> Section 3.2 of the spec says that, when using a client
> assertion, the client sends two parameters:
> client_assertion_type and client_assertion.  This does not
> work.  A client assertion will typically bind a public key
> to some information about the client.  Sending the assertion
> will not by itself authenticate the client.  The client must
> also demonstrate that it owns the corresponding private key.
> To look at it from a different angle, section 3.2 also says:
> > The assertion format, the process by which the assertion is
> > obtained, and the method of validating the assertion are
> > defined by the assertion issuer and the authorization
> > server, and are beyond the scope of this specification.
> This misses an essential element of an assertion, what the
> SAML spec calls "subject confirmation" (section
> Subject confirmation is not a private matter between the
> assertion and the authorization server, it must also involve
> the client, and hence it must be an integral part of the
> protocol.
> Another thing that's wrong is that the client assertion is
> obtained too late in the protocol flow.  An assertion can
> provide information that the server can use to identify the
> client application to the user as it authenticates the user
> and asks for permission to grant the client application's
> request.  But that has already been done by the time the
> server obtains the assertion.
> On the other hand I like assertions because they could
> help identify unregistered applications, which is what I'm
> trying to achieve with my PKAuth protocol.  So I'm thinking
> about adding them to PKAuth.  That should be easy, because
> in PKAuth the client authenticates itself by presenting its
> TLS certificate and demonstrating knowledge of the
> corresponding private key in a TLS handshake.  An assertion
> can then simply bind additional information to the
> certificate, and "subject confirmation" is already taken
> care of.
> Francisco
> --- On Sun, 1/16/11, David Recordon <record...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: David Recordon <record...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Removal: Client Assertion Credentials
> To: "Eran Hammer-Lahav" <e...@hueniverse.com>
> Cc: "OAuth WG" <oauth@ietf.org>
> Date: Sunday, January 16, 2011, 8:36 PM
> Seems good enough to me. +1 to removing it so that it will become fully 
> fleshed out in a useful manner.
> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> 
> wrote:
> You still need to define it. The two parameters don’t accomplish anything 
> since you can’t use them without a more detailed specification, in which 
> case, what is the value of this? Where is the interoperability gain?
> This is clearly not a feature that is likely to be implemented in any general 
> purpose library, unlike the ‘scope’ parameter which is under-defined but 
> still useful for library support.
> Including it in the specification is confusing (the unanimous feedback I 
> received so far), without any benefit. The specification provides a clear 
> extension mechanism for new parameters. Why is that not enough?
> From: Phillip Hunt [mailto:phil.h...@oracle.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 12:52 AM
> To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
> Cc: OAuth WG
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Removal: Client Assertion Credentials
> A strong client credential is needed in many cases. I had assumed client 
> assertion would fulfill this need. 
> Phil
> Sent from my phone. 
> On 2011-01-14, at 22:45, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
> I would like to suggest we drop the client assertion credentials (-11 section 
> 3.2) from the specification, and if needed, publish it as a separate 
> specification for the following reasons:
> 1.       The mechanism is under specified, especially in its handling of the 
> client_id identifier (when used to obtain end-user authorization). It does 
> not contain any implementation details to accomplish any level of 
> interoperability or functionality. This is in contrast to the assertion grant 
> type which has matured over a year into a fully thought-out extension 
> mechanism, as well as a separate SAML assertion specification with active 
> deployment (the two, together with running code, show clear consensus).
> 2.       The section is a confused mix of security considerations sprinkled 
> with normative language. Instead, it should be replaced with guidelines for 
> extending the set of supported client credentials, but without defining a new 
> registry. It is clearly an area of little deployment experience for OAuth, 
> and that includes using HTTP Basic authentication for client authentication 
> (more on that to come).
> 3.       The section has received a little support and a little objection. 
> Those who still want to advocate for it need to show not only consensus for 
> keeping it, but also active community support for deploying it. Deployment, 
> of course, will also require showing progress on public specifications 
> profiling the mechanism into a useful interoperable feature.
> Comments? Counter-arguments?
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