
> What if strong authentication of client (between client and
> AM) happened OOB? Instead of passing a client_assertion, why
> not pass a client_token? In a sense we would be repeating
> the pattern for users and applying it to clients.  A client
> use its own client_token to obtain access tokens.

Interesting question.  Two answers:

1. That works, but the client_token is then a shared secret
between client and server, and there is no difference with a
client password established by registration of the client
with the server.  Registration is an out-of-bound process
that establishes a shared secret.  The registration process
can use a SAML assertion.

2. The best answer, though, is that client authentication
after the double redirection (after the client redirects the
user to the server for user authentication, and the server
redirects the user back to the client with the authorization
code) only provides an illusion of security.

Security hinges on the fact that the authorization code goes
to the legitimate client.  If it goes to an attacker, the
attacker can send the authorization code to the client from
its own browser, thus impersonating the legitimate user.
The client will send the authorization code to the server to
get an access token, and use the access token to access the
legitimate user's resources for the benefit of the attacker.
It does not matter how strongly the client authenticates
itself to the server; the legitimate client is now working
for the attacker!

And if the authorization code is guaranteed to go to the
legitimate client, there is no need for the client to
authenticate itself to the server.

Actually, client authentication after redirection is not
completely useless.  It can help limit the damage done by a
successful attack.  Here's how that goes.

Without client authentication after the double redirection,
if an attacker somehow gets the authorization code, he/she
can do two kinds of damage:

(i) he/she can use it to get an access token from the server
(masquerading as a legitimate client vis-a-vis the server)
and thus gain direct access to the legitimate user's
resources, and

(ii) he/she can use it to impersonate the legitimate user
and log in to the client (in the common case where the
client uses OAuth for "social login" a la Facebook Connect;
the client will log the user in after successfully
exchanging the authorization code for an access token).

With client authentication after the double redirection, the
attacker can do less damage after a successful attack.  

The attacker can try to get the authorization code in two
different ways:

(1) by setting up a bogus client that masquerades as the
legitimate client vis-a-vis the user, and tricking the user
into granting access to the bogus client; or

(2) by somehow intercepting the authorization code as the
server sends it to the legitimate client.

If the attacker gets the authorization code by method (1),
the attacker can do damage (i), but cannot do damage (ii)
because, when the legitimate client tries to verify the
authorization code by sending it to the server, the server
will detect that the authorization code was not sent to the
legitimate client (it was sent to the bogus client); the
server will not send the access token, and the legitimate
client will not log in the attacker.

If the attacker obtained the authorization code by method
(2), the attacker can do damage (ii), but cannot do damage
(i) because the attacker will not be able to exchange the
authorization code for an access token, given that the
authorization code was sent to the legitimate client and the
server wants the authorization code to be presented by
whichever client it was sent to.


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