L’Executive Order contiene dei buoni principi ma sbaglia completamente l’approccio all’open source e specialmente al tema del controllo, favorendo le grandi multinazionali a discapito di piccole aziende, ricercatori e spinoff. Un pasticcio, di cui ho scritto su Zafferano.News ieri. Ciao Rob
From: nexa <nexa-boun...@server-nexa.polito.it> On Behalf Of J.C. DE MARTIN Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2023 7:31 AM To: Nexa <nexa@server-nexa.polito.it> Subject: [nexa] " How a billionaire-backed network of AI advisers took over Washington A sprawling network spread across Congress, federal agencies and think tanks is pushing policymakers to put AI apocalypse at the top of the agenda — potentially boxing out other worries and benefiting top AI companies with ties to the network. By Brendan Bordelon 10/13/2023 05:00 AM EDT An organization backed by Silicon Valley billionaires and tied to leading artificial intelligence firms is funding the salaries of more than a dozen AI fellows in key congressional offices, across federal agencies and at influential think tanks. The fellows funded by Open Philanthropy, which is financed primarily by billionaire Facebook co-founder and Asana CEO Dustin Moskovitz<https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=openphilanthropy.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3BlbnBoaWxhbnRocm9weS5vcmcvYWJvdXQtdXMv&i=NjUwODJhZTVlMDVkNmYyNDlkNTNjOTcy&t=Rlk2VjlWMU1rRmJibnQvalFadngrM1pNUVJLR0hWMWVPc0o4TVlHcWllTT0=&h=e85ee7952bb4430eac0d2d552fb42b8a&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZIDzAwy2k-XXZH0rKNiLigYOxy7SMx-hKRcpPSDBsvdy0OtlM8z7K-Dk9w-Tjog-M> and his wife Cari Tuna, are already involved in negotiations that will shape Capitol Hill’s accelerating plans to regulate AI. And they’re closely tied to a powerful influence network that’s pushing Washington to focus on the technology’s long-term risks — a focus critics fear will divert Congress from more immediate rules that would tie the hands of tech firms. [...] continua qui: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/13/open-philanthropy-funding-ai-policy-00121362<https://eu-west-1.protection.sophos.com?d=politico.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucG9saXRpY28uY29tL25ld3MvMjAyMy8xMC8xMy9vcGVuLXBoaWxhbnRocm9weS1mdW5kaW5nLWFpLXBvbGljeS0wMDEyMTM2Mg==&i=NjUwODJhZTVlMDVkNmYyNDlkNTNjOTcy&t=VFkyc3ZQV2R4cXJKbk1OZGdKUFI0L3hPUjNWMmhzd3NYR1VCRWhlRkhKaz0=&h=e85ee7952bb4430eac0d2d552fb42b8a&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZIDzAwy2k-XXZH0rKNiLigYOxy7SMx-hKRcpPSDBsvdy0OtlM8z7K-Dk9w-Tjog-M>
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