In message <>
          Dave <> wrote:

> In article <62f3ba7659.DaveMeUK@BeagleBoard-xM>,
>   David Higton <> wrote: [Snippy]
> > The snag is that, as Dave Triffid has told us, more than one CertData
> > file may exist, possibly in the multiple-choices path.  So an updater may
> > update /a/ CertData file, but not necessarily /the/ /correct/ one. I
> > don't know how to solve that.
> > My thinking is one stage on, anyway.  There's no point in putting the
> > path in the !Run file, as it's standard, and is baked into AcornSSL,
> > curl, and who knows what else.  Anywhere else is open to failure by
> > either updating something other than the standard CertData file, or not
> > updating anything.
> > David
> This has become an interesting thread... :-)

It has, hasn't it?  I'm quite enjoying this! :-)

> I thought I'd have a check on my 6.20 and see how many CertData files I
> could find...
> Eventually I just found the two previously noted ones.
> ...!Boot.Choices.Default.Internet.Files.CertData (The one in use).
> And
> ...!Boot.Resources.!Internet.files.CertData (This one I've named out, and
> so far no apps have complained or fallen over).

Interesting.  That's the correct place for it in RISC OS 5, but apparently
not in earlier versions.

Perhaps you can do one more confirmatory check, at least on the 6.20
system, but on as many systems as you like.  Just run this:

*Filer_Run InetDBase:CertData

The result ought to be simply that the CertData file is opened up in
a text editor.  If that works, then AcornSSL, curl, future versions
of NetSurf, and who knows what else, will find the CertData file in
the right place.

If that /doesn't/ happen on one or more of your systems, we have a

> I do know of two others but they are in the "Backup" directory...

We don't need to bother about them, fortunately.

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