In message <>
          Dave <> wrote:

>In article <ddfac27559.DaveMeUK@BeagleBoard-xM>,
>   David Higton <> wrote:
> > Following up my own post: it looks like my CertData file must have
> > contained an invalid certificate (even though it was only 3 months out of
> > data), because replacing that has fixed the problem.
> > I have updated a couple of lines in !Boot.Choices.Fetch_NS.Settings.
> > These are the new ones:
> > Set Fetch_NS$Url
> > Set Fetch_NS$Opt --ca-certificate=InetDbase:CertData -qO
> > First one is to use https rather than http.  Second one is to use the
> > central InetDbase:CertData file rather than a separate (and non-
> > maintained) copy.
> > David
> Ooeer! slight aside but similar problem... I've not updated Netsurf
> recently so prompted by the above notes thought I better do it.
> Error from Fetch_NS Error  : &00000000
>  Message: file LATEST missing or empty at line 6
> I have no idea what that is, or where it originates from...
> Any ideas please how to fix whatever it is?

Slightly longer answer:

The problem is caused by an HTTPS certificate bundle file that contains
an invalid or out of date certificate.

There's a related problem in that there are multiple copies of this
file splattered around some people's systems.  There ought to be one
true copy, and it ought to be easy to maintain it.  Maintaining one
has to be easier than maintaining more than one, right?

The one we should all be using is InetDbase:CertData (i.e. the file's
name is CertData, and it lives in the InetDbase: directory, which on
my system expands to HardDisc4.$.!Boot.Resources.!Internet.Files, but
if we refer to it as InetDbase:CertData, then it doesn't matter where
or on what drive or filing system you store it, the reference will be
correct).  Hence the second of the modifications above.

OK, I don't know how up to date your InetDbase:CertData is, but I can
at least offer you an easy way to update it - provided it is recent
enough in the first place.  Go to my web site,
and look for  Unzip it, put it somewhere useful (maybe
Apps), and run it.  It will update your InetDbase:CertData file, if
and only if a later one is available.

Hope that helps.

If even that doesn't work, it's possible that your InetDbase:CertData
file is out of date, in which case come back to us here and we can tell
you how to fix that.  (My app requires a working CertData file to be
able to download the new one.  Yes, there is a potential for trouble

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