In article <62f3ba7659.DaveMeUK@BeagleBoard-xM>,
   David Higton <> wrote:

> The snag is that, as Dave Triffid has told us, more than one CertData
> file may exist, possibly in the multiple-choices path.  So an updater
> may update /a/ CertData file, but not necessarily /the/ /correct/ one.
> I don't know how to solve that.

> My thinking is one stage on, anyway.  There's no point in putting the
> path in the !Run file, as it's standard, and is baked into AcornSSL,
> curl, and who knows what else.  Anywhere else is open to failure by
> either updating something other than the standard CertData file, or
> not updating anything.

> David

This has become an interesting thread... :-)

I thought I'd have a check on my 6.20 and see how many CertData files I
could find...

Eventually I just found the two previously noted ones.

...!Boot.Choices.Default.Internet.Files.CertData (The one in use).
...!Boot.Resources.!Internet.files.CertData (This one I've named out, and
so far no apps have complained or fallen over).

I do know of two others but they are in the "Backup" directory...



Dave Triffid
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