In message <>
          Dave Higton <> wrote:

> In message <>
>          Michael Drake <> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > We have done quite a bit of development since we last issued test builds
> > and we have also changed our autobuilding infrastructure completely. With
> > these changes we are now building NetSurf builds with far more up-to-date
> > versions of 3rd party libraries, and it is now quite trivial to keep them
> > up-to-date.
> > 
> > It would help us if people could test the new builds and let us know how
> > you get on.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >              We have at least one case of NetSurf freezing a
> >              RISC OS Iyonix such that it needs to be reset.
> Sadly, I've also seen it once with the earliest new build that I can see,
> 2012-09-11_14-52-47, as well as 3 times with 2012-09-28_19-54-37. At least
> it hasn't eaten the hard drive :-)
> There doesn't seem to be any special thing that causes it to stiff the
> Iyonix.

In response to another question: no fetching of news or mail was going
on at the time.  The only network activity unrelated to Netsurf would
probably be ShareFS's normal broadcasting.  NewsHound and AntiSpam were
on the icon bar but merely quiescent.


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