The following bytes were arranged on 29 Sep 2012 by Michael Drake :

> It would help us if people could test the new builds and let us know how
> you get on.

I've tried everything suggested in this thread to make this RO5.19
ARMini crash, including fetching email (though with AntiSpam 1.63, not
Hermes) and logging into the ROOL site.  It stubbornly refused to crash
for about two hours, until suddenly the mouse pointer froze after
clicking on a Google Groups link (from a list of Google search results).

Given that I've also had problems with the previous development version
(from the old autobuilder) freezing the ARMini (not so much the Iyonix
or RiscPC), I don't think you can read too much into this.

>   + which front end (e.g. RISC OS, Amiga, etc)


>   + which version of the OS

5.19 (16-May-12)

>   + whether there was a problem

Infinite loop with interrupts disabled.

>     > what was happening when it went wrong

Nothing in particular, especially not reported triggers like NewsHound.

>   + what the download file name of the NetSurf version you tried was


  __<^>__   "Your pet, our passion." - Purina
 / _   _ \  "Your potential, our passion." - Microsoft, a few months later
( ( |_| ) )
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================

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