The following bytes were arranged on 29 Sep 2012 by Michael Drake : > It would help us if people could test the new builds and let us know how > you get on.
...And now for a more mundane, and tiresomely repetitive regression... "Serious error". Every time, without fail. Same computer and archive as in my last report. The log (same every time) says: "render/html.c", line 1269: html_object_callback: Assertion failed: 0 2.9 works. Instant crashes with this particular website have been reported on three separate previous occasions: Each time, the bug was fixed, only for another version a few months down the line to introduce a different bug which also caused NetSurf to crash on sight of that site. It appears this cycle has now gone round for a fourth time. I've never had problems of this scale with any other site. Whatever does, NetSurf really doesn't like it! In the interests of preventing this regression occurring a fifth time, perhaps 'Jenkins' could be amended to make sure NetSurf can cope with a fetch and display of that specific page? Stopping regressions what automated testing is for, right? -- __<^>__ / _ _ \ You always find something in the last place you look. ( ( |_| ) ) \_> <_/ ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================